import { NextResponse, NextRequest } from "next/server"; import fs from 'fs'; import mysql from 'mysql2/promise'; import { DB_CONF } from "@/app/library/configDatabase"; // Handles GET requests to /api export async function GET(req, Response) { return NextResponse.json({ message: "Hello World" }); } Array.prototype.ToUpdate = function (table = 'test', wht = 'kode') { var s = this; if (s.length > 0) { var y = Object.keys(s[0]); var x = ''; x += 'UPDATE '; x += '`' + table + '`'; x += ' aa , ( '; x += 'SELECT '; x += (g) { return `a.${g}`; }); x += ' FROM ('; x += (w) { var f = ` SELECT `; f += (q) { if (w[q]) { return `"${w[q].toString().replace(/\"/g, "\\\"")}" \`${q}\``; } else { return `null \`${q}\`` } }).join(","); return f; }).join("\n UNION ALL \n") x += ') a ) bb SET '; x += (c) { return ` aa.${c} = bb.${c}` }).join(','); x += ' WHERE '; if (Array.isArray(wht)) { x += (whtx) { return ` aa.${whtx} = bb.${whtx} `; }).join(" AND "); } else { x += ` aa.${wht} = bb.${wht} `; } return x; } else { return []; } }; function blobToBase64(blob) { return new Promise((resolve, reject) => { const reader = new FileReader(); reader.onload = function () { const base64String = reader.result.split(',')[1]; // Mengambil bagian base64 saja resolve(base64String); }; reader.onerror = function (error) { reject(error); }; reader.readAsDataURL(blob); }); } // Handles POST requests to /api export async function POST(req) { const data = await req.formData(); const content = data.get('content'); const uniq = data.get('uniq'); const time = data.get('time'); if (!fs.existsSync('../apirumahjo/public/user')){ fs.mkdirSync('../apirumahjo/public/user', 0o777); } let update = [ { uniqid : uniq, avatar: '' + uniq + '.webp?v=' + time } ].ToUpdate('user',['uniqid']); fs.writeFileSync('../apirumahjo/public/user/' + uniq + '.webp', content, 'base64', { mode: 0o777 }) const connection = await mysql.createConnection(DB_CONF); const [datares] = await connection.query(update); return NextResponse.json({ message: datares }); }