186 lines
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186 lines
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import 'package:flutter/material.dart';
// Abstract class for managing cloud data state
abstract class CloudState<T extends StatefulWidget> extends State<T> {
// Static map to store cloud data shared across instances
static Map<dynamic, dynamic> cloudData = {};
// Method to get all cloud data
Map<dynamic, dynamic> getCloudDataAll() {
return cloudData;
// Global single listener for item addition
static void Function(String key, dynamic value)? onItemAdd;
static List<void Function(String key, dynamic value)>? _listeners = [];
// Method to add a listener for a specific key
listenOn(String key, Function(dynamic value) callBack) {
_listeners?.add((String addedKey, dynamic addedValue) {
if (key == addedKey) {
} else if (key == "*") {
callBack.call({addedKey: addedValue});
// Method to notify all listeners about changes
void notify(String key, dynamic value) {
_listeners?.forEach((element) {
element.call(key, value);
// Method to get cloud data for a specific key
getCloudData(String key) {
return cloudData[key];
// Method to add cloud data and notify listeners
void addCloudData(String key, dynamic value) {
cloudData.addAll(Map<dynamic, dynamic>.from({key: value}));
notify(key, value);
void insertCloudData(String key, dynamic value) {
if (!cloudData.containsKey(key)) {
cloudData[key] = {};
if (cloudData[key] is Map) {
cloudData[key].addAll(Map<dynamic, dynamic>.from({key: value}));
notify(key, value);
// Method to add screen-specific data and notify listeners
void addScreenValue(String key, dynamic value) {
cloudData.addAll({key: value});
notify(key, value);
// Method to set cloud data for a specific key and notify listeners
void setCloudData(String key, dynamic value) {
cloudData[key] = value;
notify(key, value);
// Method to append a value to a list in cloud data and notify listeners
void appendToList<T>(String key, T value, {bool? disableClone}) {
if (!cloudData.containsKey(key)) {
cloudData[key] = [value];
if (cloudData[key] is List<T>) {
if (disableClone == true) {
if (!(cloudData[key] as List<T>).contains(value)) {
(cloudData[key] as List<T>).add(value);
notify(key, value);
} else {
(cloudData[key] as List<T>).add(value);
notify(key, value);
void appendToListWhere<T>({
required String listKey,
required String whereKey,
required T equals,
required Map<String, dynamic> add,
bool? disableClone,
}) {
cloudData.putIfAbsent(listKey, () => [add]);
if (cloudData[listKey] is List<Map<String, dynamic>>) {
var list = cloudData[listKey] as List<Map<String, dynamic>>;
if (disableClone != true ||
!list.any((item) => item[whereKey] == equals)) {
int indexWhere =
list.indexWhere((element) => element[whereKey] == equals);
if (indexWhere >= 0) {
list[indexWhere] = add;
} else {
notify(listKey, add);
void removeFromListWhere<T>({
required String listKey,
required String whereKey,
required T equals,
}) {
print("list key ${whereKey} ex $equals");
if (cloudData.containsKey(listKey) &&
cloudData[listKey] is List<Map<String, dynamic>>) {
var list = cloudData[listKey] as List<Map<String, dynamic>>;
int indexWhere =
list.indexWhere((element) => element[whereKey] == equals);
print("list key ${list} $indexWhere");
if (indexWhere >= 0) {
var removedItem = list.removeAt(indexWhere);
notify(listKey, removedItem);
CloudState<T> toGroup(String groupName, dynamic key, dynamic value) {
// Check if the group exists in cloudData
if (!cloudData.containsKey(groupName)) {
cloudData[groupName] = {}; // Initialize as an empty map if not present
// Now you can safely access and update the group's key-value pair
cloudData[groupName][key] = value;
return this;
void removeFromGroup(String groupName, dynamic key) {
if (cloudData.containsKey(groupName)) {
if (cloudData[groupName].containsKey(key)) {
void clearGroup(String name) {
if (cloudData.containsKey(name)) {
dynamic fromGroup(String groupName, dynamic key) {
return cloudData[groupName][key];
Map? group(String groupName) {
return cloudData[groupName] as Map?;
// Method to add screen-specific data in the cloud data
void screenData(String key, dynamic value) {
if (cloudData.containsKey(runtimeType)) {
(cloudData[runtimeType] as Map).addAll({key: value});
} else {
cloudData[runtimeType] = {};
(cloudData[runtimeType] as Map).addAll({key: value});
// Method to get screen-specific data from the cloud data
dynamic getScreenData(State screen, String key) {
return cloudData[screen][key] ?? {};
// Override build method, as it's an abstract class
Widget build(BuildContext context);