import 'package:ebroker/utils/Extensions/extensions.dart'; import 'package:flutter/material.dart'; import '../../app/app.dart'; import '../../utils/ui_utils.dart'; ///Light Theme Colors ///This color format is different, isn't it? .You can use hex colors here also but you have to remove '#' symbol and add 0xff instead. const Color primaryColor_ = Color(0xFFFAFAFA); const Color secondaryColor_ = Color(0xFFFFFFFF); const Color tertiaryColor_ = Color(0xFF087C7C); const Color textColor = Color(0xFF4D5454); Color lightTextColor = const Color(0xFF4D5454).withOpacity(0.5); Color widgetsBorderColorLight = const Color(0xffEEEEEE).withOpacity(0.6); Color senderChatColor = const Color.fromARGB(255, 233, 233, 233).darken(22); ///Dark Theme Colors Color primaryColorDark = const Color(0xff0C0C0C); Color secondaryColorDark = const Color(0xff1C1C1C); const Color tertiaryColorDark = Color(0xff53ADAE); const Color textColorDarkTheme = Color(0xffFDFDFD); Color lightTextColorDarkTheme = const Color(0xffFDFDFD).withOpacity(0.3); Color widgetsBorderColorDark = const Color(0x1aFDFDFD); Color darkSenderChatColor = const Color.fromARGB(255, 233, 233, 233).darken(100); ///Messages Color const Color errorMessageColor = Color.fromARGB(255, 166, 4, 4); const Color successMessageColor = Color.fromARGB(255, 12, 161, 161); const Color warningMessageColor = Color(0xFFC2AF6F); //Button text color const Color buttonTextColor = Colors.white; ///Advance //Theme settings extension ColorPrefs on ColorScheme { Color get primaryColor => _getColor( brightness, lightColor: appSettings.lightPrimary, darkColor: appSettings.darkPrimary, ); Color get secondaryColor => _getColor( brightness, lightColor: appSettings.lightSecondary, darkColor: appSettings.darkSecondary, ); Color get tertiaryColor => _getColor( brightness, lightColor: appSettings.lightTertiary, darkColor: appSettings.darkTertiary, ); Color get backgroundColor => _getColor( brightness, lightColor: appSettings.lightPrimary, darkColor: appSettings.darkPrimary, ); Color get buttonColor => buttonTextColor; Color get textColorDark => _getColor( brightness, lightColor: textColor, darkColor: textColorDarkTheme, ); Color get textLightColor => _getColor( brightness, lightColor: lightTextColor, darkColor: lightTextColorDarkTheme, ); Color get borderColor => _getColor(brightness, lightColor: widgetsBorderColorLight, darkColor: widgetsBorderColorDark); Color get chatSenderColor => _getColor(brightness, lightColor: senderChatColor, darkColor: darkSenderChatColor); ///This will set text color white if background is dark if background is light it will be dark Color textAutoAdapt(Color backgroundColor) => UiUtils.getAdaptiveTextColor(backgroundColor); Color get blackColor =>; Color get shimmerBaseColor => brightness == Brightness.light ? const Color.fromARGB(255, 225, 225, 225) : const Color.fromARGB(255, 150, 150, 150); Color get shimmerHighlightColor => brightness == Brightness.light ? Colors.grey.shade100 : Colors.grey.shade300; Color get shimmerContentColor => brightness == Brightness.light ? Colors.white.withOpacity(0.85) : Colors.white.withOpacity(0.7); } // 10pt: Smaller // 12pt: Small // 16pt: Large // 18pt: Larger // 24pt: Extra large extension TextThemeForFont on TextTheme { Font get font => Font(); } /// i made this to access font easyly from theme like, Theme.of(context).textTheme.font.small /// So what is diffrence here?? in Theme.of(context).textTheme.small and Theme.of(context).textTheme.font.small /// We use saperate class because There will be an exention on BuildContext in [Utils/Extensions/lib] folder so further explaination is there. you can check class Font { ///10 double get smaller => 10; ///12 double get small => 12; ///14 double get normal => 14; ///16 double get large => 16; ///18 double get larger => 18; ///24 double get extraLarge => 24; ///28 double get xxLarge => 28; } //This one is for check current theme and return data accordingly Color _getColor(Brightness brightness, {required Color lightColor, required Color darkColor}) { if (Brightness.light == brightness) { return lightColor; } else { return darkColor; } }