@echo off setlocal :: This file is for development purposes. We are not responsible if it does not work. set "destination_folder=splits" if "%1" == "size" ( dir /s /-c "%destination_folder%" exit /b 0 ) if "%1" == "clear" ( if exist "%destination_folder%" ( del /q "%destination_folder%\*" echo Splits cleared!!! ) else ( echo The folder %destination_folder% does not exist. ) exit /b 0 ) if "%1" == "i-latest" ( if exist "%destination_folder%" ( if exist "%destination_folder%" ( for /f "delims=" %%a in ('dir /b /o-d /a-d "%destination_folder%\*"') do ( set "latest_file=%destination_folder%\%%a" goto :install ) echo No files found in %destination_folder%. ) else ( echo The folder %destination_folder% does not exist. ) ) else ( echo The folder %destination_folder% does not exist. ) exit /b 0 ) flutter build apk --split-per-abi --no-tree-shake-icons set "source_file=build\app\outputs\flutter-apk\app-armeabi-v7a-release.apk" set "current_date=%date:~7,2% %date:~3,3%" if not exist "%destination_folder%" ( mkdir "%destination_folder%" ) set "counter=0" :check_file if exist "%destination_folder%\%filename%" ( if %counter% equ 0 ( set "filename=eBroker %current_date%.apk" ) else ( set "filename=eBroker %current_date% (%counter%).apk" ) set /a counter+=1 goto :check_file ) echo done!! %destination_folder%\%filename% copy "%source_file%" "%destination_folder%\%filename%" :install choice /m "Do you wish to install this app?" if errorlevel 2 exit /b adb -s "%2" install "%destination_folder%\%filename%"