import 'package:ebroker/utils/helper_utils.dart'; import 'package:google_maps_flutter/google_maps_flutter.dart'; ///eBroker configuration file /// Configure your app from here /// Most of basic configuration will be from here /// For theme colors go to [lib/Ui/Theme/theme.dart] class AppSettings { ///Basic Settings static const String applicationName = 'Rumahjo'; static const String androidPackageName = 'com.rumahjo.vds'; static const String iOSAppId = '12345678'; static const String playstoreURLAndroid = "$androidPackageName"; static const String appstoreURLios = "$iOSAppId"; static const String shareAppText = "Share this App"; ///API Setting static const String hostUrl = ""; static const String apiUrl = ""; static const int apiDataLoadLimit = 20; static const int maxCategoryShowLengthInHomeScreen = 5; static String appNumber = ''; static final String baseUrl = "${HelperUtils.checkHost(hostUrl)}api/"; //Don't change this static const int hiddenAPIProcessDelay = 1; /* this is for load data when open app if old data is already available so it will call API in background without showing the process and when data available it will replace it with new data */ ///Set type here static const DeepLinkType deepLinkingType = DeepLinkType.native; ///Native deep link static const String shareNavigationWebUrl = "YOUR WEB VERSION URL"; /// //TODO: Deprecated [We do not recommend using this as this will stop running in few time] /// You will find this prefix from firebase console in dynamic link section static const String deepLinkPrefix = ""; // ///set anything you want static const String deepLinkName = "rumahjo"; //deeplink ///!TODO: End deprecated static const MapType googleMapType = MapType.normal; //none , normal , satellite , terrain , hybrid ///Firebase authentication OTP timer. static const int otpResendSecond = 60 * 2; static const int otpTimeOutSecond = 60 * 2; ///This code will show on login screen [Note: don't add + symbol] static const String defaultCountryCode = "62"; static const bool disableCountrySelection = false; /* Default [False], this will hide Country number choose option in login screen. if your App is for only one country this might be helpful*/ static List sections = [ HomeScreenSections.Search, HomeScreenSections.Slider, HomeScreenSections.Category, HomeScreenSections.NearbyProperties, HomeScreenSections.FeaturedProperties, HomeScreenSections.PersonalizedFeed, HomeScreenSections.project, HomeScreenSections.RecentlyAdded, HomeScreenSections.MostLikedProperties, HomeScreenSections.MostViewed, HomeScreenSections.PopularCities ]; //[Note: We Recommend default setting you can make arrangement by your choice or you can hide any section if you do not want] ///Lottie animation ///Put your loading json file in [lib/assets/lottie/] folder static const String progressLottieFile = "loading.json"; static const String progressLottieFileWhite = "loading_white.json"; //When there is dark background and you want to show progress so it will be used static const String maintenanceModeLottieFile = "maintenancemode.json"; static const bool useLottieProgress = true; //if you don't want to use lottie progress then set it to false' ///Other settings static const String notificationChannel = "basic_channel"; // static int uploadImageQuality = 50; //0 to 100th static const Set additionalRTLlanguages = {}; //Add language code in bracket {"ab","bc"} //Advance settings //This file is located in assets/riveAnimations static const String riveAnimationFile = "rive_animation.riv"; static const Map riveAnimationConfigurations = { "add_button": { "artboard_name": "Add", "state_machine": "click", "boolean_name": "isReverse", "boolean_initial_value": true, "add_button_shape_name": "shape", }, }; //// Don't change these //// Payment gatway API keys ///Here is for only reference you have to change it from panel static String enabledPaymentGatway = ""; static String razorpayKey = ""; static String paystackKey = ""; // public key static String paystackCurrency = ""; static String paypalClientId = ""; static String paypalServerKey = ""; //secrete static bool isSandBoxMode = true; //testing mode static String paypalCancelURL = ""; static String paypalReturnURL = ""; static String stripeCurrency = ""; static String stripePublishableKey = ""; static String stripeSecrateKey = ""; } enum HomeScreenSections { Search, Slider, PersonalizedFeed, NearbyProperties, FeaturedProperties, RecentlyAdded, MostLikedProperties, PopularCities, MostViewed, Category, project } enum DeepLinkType { firebase, native }