enum SystemSetting { maintenanceMode, currencySymball, subscription, privacyPolicy, termsConditions, contactUs, language, defaultLanguage, forceUpdate, androidVersion, numberWithSuffix, iosVersion, demoMode } /// we made this method because from our api all data comes in {'type':"",'data':"demo data"} this formate so we have list of these data and instead of create different methods and parse in it we have made enum and checking where condition in list // T getSetting(SystemSetting setting) { // if (setting == SystemSetting.subscription) { // if (subscription == true) { // return package as T; // } else { // return null as T; // } // } // return data! // .where((Data element) => // element.type == Constant.systemSettingKey[setting]) // .toList()[0] as T; // }