import 'dart:async'; import 'package:dio/dio.dart'; import 'package:ebroker/data/Repositories/property_repository.dart'; import 'package:ebroker/data/helper/widgets.dart'; import 'package:ebroker/data/model/data_output.dart'; import 'package:ebroker/data/model/property_model.dart'; import 'package:ebroker/exports/main_export.dart'; import 'package:ebroker/utils/Extensions/extensions.dart'; import 'package:ebroker/utils/helper_utils.dart'; import 'package:ebroker/utils/responsiveSize.dart'; import 'package:ebroker/utils/ui_utils.dart'; import 'package:flutter/material.dart'; import 'package:flutter_svg/svg.dart'; import 'package:geocoding/geocoding.dart'; import 'package:google_maps_flutter/google_maps_flutter.dart'; import '../../../data/Repositories/location_repository.dart'; import '../../../data/model/google_place_model.dart'; import '../../../utils/AppIcon.dart'; import '../widgets/AnimatedRoutes/blur_page_route.dart'; class ChooseLocationMap extends StatefulWidget { final num? latitude; final num? longitude; const ChooseLocationMap({super.key, this.latitude, this.longitude}); static Route route(RouteSettings settings) { Map? arguments = settings.arguments as Map?; return BlurredRouter( builder: (context) { return ChooseLocationMap( latitude: arguments?['latitude'], longitude: arguments?['longitude'], ); }, ); } @override State createState() => _ChooseLocationMapState(); } class _ChooseLocationMapState extends State { final TextEditingController _searchController = TextEditingController(); String previouseSearchQuery = ""; LatLng? citylatLong; Timer? _timer; Marker? marker; Map map = {}; GoogleMapController? _googleMapController; Completer completer = Completer(); final FocusNode _searchFocus = FocusNode(); List? cities; int selectedMarker = 999999999999999; int? propertyId; ValueNotifier isLoadingProperty = ValueNotifier(false); PropertyModel? activePropertyModal; ValueNotifier loadintCitiesInProgress = ValueNotifier(false); bool showSellRentLables = false; bool showGoogleMap = false; Future searchDelayTimer() async { if (_timer?.isActive ?? false) { _timer?.cancel(); } print("open map"); _timer = Timer( const Duration(milliseconds: 500), () async { if (_searchController.text.isNotEmpty) { if (previouseSearchQuery != _searchController.text) { try { loadintCitiesInProgress.value = true; cities = await GooglePlaceRepository().serchCities( _searchController.text, ); loadintCitiesInProgress.value = false; } catch (e) { loadintCitiesInProgress.value = false; } setState(() {}); previouseSearchQuery = _searchController.text; } } else { cities = null; } }, ); setState(() {}); } late var assigned = LatLng( widget.latitude?.toDouble() ?? 42.42345651793833, widget.longitude?.toDouble() ?? 23.906250000000004, ); late LatLng cameraPosition = assigned; @override void initState() { _searchController.addListener(() { searchDelayTimer(); }); if (widget.latitude != null && widget.longitude != null) { marker = Marker(markerId: MarkerId("9999999"), position: assigned); setState(() {}); } Future.delayed( const Duration(milliseconds: 500), () { showGoogleMap = true; setState(() {}); }, ); super.initState(); } Future onTapCity(int index) async { Widgets.showLoader(context); // List pointList = // await GMap.getNearByProperty(cities?.elementAt(0).city ?? ""); // if (pointList.isEmpty) { // marker = {}; // setState(() {}); // } LatLng? latLng = await getCityLatLong(index); //Animate camera to location (await completer.future).animateCamera( CameraUpdate.newCameraPosition( CameraPosition(target: latLng!, zoom: 7), ), ); // loopMarker(pointList); marker = (Marker( markerId: MarkerId( index.toString(), ), position: latLng)); _searchFocus.unfocus(); HelperUtils.unfocus(); Future.delayed(, () { Widgets.hideLoder(context); }, ); cities = null; setState(() {}); } // loopMarker(List pointList) { // for (var i = 0; i < pointList.length; i++) { // var element = pointList[i]; // //Add markers inside marker list // marker // .addLabelMarker(LabelMarker( // label: r"$" + (element.price).toString().priceFormate(), // markerId: MarkerId("$i"), // onTap: () async { // selectedMarker = i; // propertyId = element.propertyId; // marker.clear(); // loopMarker(pointList); // setState(() {}); // fetchProperty(element.propertyId); // }, // position: LatLng( // double.parse(element.latitude), double.parse(element.longitude)), // backgroundColor: selectedMarker == i // ? // : (element.propertyType.toLowerCase() == "sell" // ? // :, // )) // .then( // (value) { // setState(() {}); // }, // ); // } // } Future fetchProperty(int id) async { try { isLoadingProperty.value = true; DataOutput result = await PropertyRepository().fetchPropertyFromPropertyId(id); activePropertyModal = result.modelList.first; setState(() {}); isLoadingProperty.value = false; } catch (e) { isLoadingProperty.value = false; HelperUtils.showSnackBarMessage(context, "error".translate(context)); } } Future? getCityLatLong(index) async { var rawCityLatLong = await GooglePlaceRepository() .getPlaceDetailsFromPlaceId(cities?.elementAt(index).placeId ?? ""); var citylatLong = LatLng(rawCityLatLong['lat'], rawCityLatLong['lng']); return citylatLong; } @override void dispose() async { _googleMapController?.dispose(); _searchController.dispose(); super.dispose(); } // Future _delayedPop(BuildContext context) async { // unawaited( // Navigator.of(context, rootNavigator: true).push( // PageRouteBuilder( // pageBuilder: (_, __, ___) => WillPopScope( // onWillPop: () async => false, // child: const Scaffold( // backgroundColor: Colors.transparent, // body: Center( // child: CircularProgressIndicator.adaptive(), // ), // ), // ), // transitionDuration:, // barrierDismissible: false, // barrierColor: Colors.black45, // opaque: false, // ), // ), // ); // await Future.delayed(const Duration(seconds: 1)); // Future.delayed( //, // () { // Navigator.of(context) // ..pop() // ..pop(); // }, // ); // } String? getComponent(List data, dynamic dm) { // log("CALLED"); try { return data.where((element) { return (element['types'] as List).contains(dm); }).first['long_name']; } catch (e) { return null; } } @override Widget build(BuildContext context) { Widget buildSearchIcon() { return Padding( padding: const EdgeInsets.all(8.0), child: UiUtils.getSvg(, color: context.color.tertiaryColor)); } return WillPopScope( onWillPop: () async { _googleMapController?.dispose(); (await completer.future).dispose(); showGoogleMap = false; setState(() {}); return true; }, child: SafeArea( child: Scaffold( bottomNavigationBar: SizedBox( child: MaterialButton( height: 50, color: context.color.tertiaryColor, onPressed: marker == null ? null : () async { try { String? state = ""; String? city = ""; String? country = ""; String? sublocality = ""; String? pointofinterest = ""; Response response = await Dio().get( "${Constant.googlePlaceAPIkey}&latlng=${marker?.position.latitude},${marker?.position.longitude}"); if (( as Map) .containsKey("error_message")) { throw; } List component = List.from(['results'][0]['address_components']); city = getComponent( component, "locality", ); state = getComponent( component, "administrative_area_level_1"); country = getComponent(component, "country"); sublocality = getComponent(component, "sublocality"); pointofinterest = getComponent(component, "point_of_interest"); bool? startsWith = pointofinterest?.contains(","); if (startsWith ?? false) { pointofinterest = pointofinterest?.replaceFirst(",", ""); } Placemark place = Placemark( locality: city, administrativeArea: state, country: country, subLocality: sublocality, street: pointofinterest); showGoogleMap = false; setState(() {}); Future.delayed( const Duration(milliseconds: 0), () { Navigator.pop(context, { "latlng": LatLng(marker!.position.latitude, marker!.position.longitude), "place": place }); }, ); } catch (e) { if (e is Map) { if (e.containsKey("error_message")) { HelperUtils.showSnackBarMessage( context, e['error_message'], messageDuration: 5); } } if (e.toString().contains("IO_ERROR")) { ScaffoldMessenger.of(context).showSnackBar(SnackBar( content: Text("pleaseChangeNetwork" .translate(context) .toString()))); } } }, child: Text("proceed".translate(context)).color(marker == null ? context.color.textColorDark : context.color.buttonColor), ), ), backgroundColor: context.color.backgroundColor, appBar: AppBar( backgroundColor: Colors.transparent, elevation: 0, automaticallyImplyLeading: false, centerTitle: true, titleSpacing: 0, actions: [ FittedBox( fit: BoxFit.none, child: SizedBox( width: 24, height: 24, child: ValueListenableBuilder( valueListenable: loadintCitiesInProgress, builder: (context, va, c) { if (va == false) { return const SizedBox.shrink(); } return CircularProgressIndicator( color: context.color.tertiaryColor, strokeWidth: 1.5, ); }), )) ], leading: cities != null ? IconButton( onPressed: () { cities = null; _searchController.text = ""; setState(() {}); }, icon: Icon( Icons.close, color: context.color.tertiaryColor, )) : Material( clipBehavior: Clip.antiAlias, color: Colors.transparent, type:, child: InkWell( onTap: () { Navigator.pop(context); }, child: Padding( padding: const EdgeInsets.all(18.0), child: UiUtils.getSvg(AppIcons.arrowLeft, fit: BoxFit.none, color: context.color.tertiaryColor), ), ), ), title: Container( width:, height: 50.rh(context), alignment:, decoration: BoxDecoration( border: Border.all( width: 1.5, color: context.color.borderColor), borderRadius: const BorderRadius.all(Radius.circular(10)), color: context.color.secondaryColor), child: TextFormField( focusNode: _searchFocus, controller: _searchController, decoration: InputDecoration( border: InputBorder.none, //OutlineInputBorder() fillColor: Theme.of(context).colorScheme.secondaryColor, hintText: UiUtils.translate(context, "searhCity"), prefixIcon: buildSearchIcon(), prefixIconConstraints: const BoxConstraints(minHeight: 5, minWidth: 5), ), enableSuggestions: true, onEditingComplete: () { FocusScope.of(context).unfocus(); }, onTap: () { //change prefix icon color to primary })), ), body: Stack( children: [ SizedBox( height: context.screenHeight, width: context.screenWidth, child: showGoogleMap == true ? GoogleMap( markers: marker == null ? {} : {marker!}, onMapCreated: (controller) { completer.complete(controller); showSellRentLables = true; setState(() {}); }, onTap: (argument) { activePropertyModal = null; selectedMarker = 99999999999999; marker = Marker( markerId: const MarkerId("0"), position: LatLng( argument.latitude, argument.longitude)); setState(() {}); }, mapType: AppSettings.googleMapType, compassEnabled: false, scrollGesturesEnabled: true, mapToolbarEnabled: false, trafficEnabled: true, myLocationButtonEnabled: true, zoomControlsEnabled: false, myLocationEnabled: true, initialCameraPosition: CameraPosition(target: cameraPosition, zoom: 7), key: const Key("G-map"), ) : const SizedBox.shrink(), ), if (cities != null) Container( color: context.color.backgroundColor, child: ListView.builder( itemCount: cities?.length ?? 0, itemBuilder: (context, index) { return ListTile( onTap: () async { activePropertyModal = null; setState(() {}); onTapCity(index); }, leading: SvgPicture.asset( AppIcons.location, color: context.color.textColorDark, ), title: Text(cities?.elementAt(index).city ?? ""), subtitle: Text( "${cities?.elementAt(index).state ?? ""},${cities?.elementAt(index).country ?? ""}"), ); }, ), ), // PositionedDirectional( // bottom: 0, // child: ValueListenableBuilder( // valueListenable: isLoadingProperty, // builder: (context, val, child) { // if (cities != null) { // return const SizedBox.shrink(); // } // if (val == true) { // return SizedBox( // width: MediaQuery.of(context).size.width, // child: Padding( // padding: const EdgeInsets.all(20.0), // child: Row( // children: const [ // CustomShimmer( // width: 100, // height: 110, // ), // SizedBox( // width: 5, // ), // Expanded( // child: CustomShimmer( // height: 110, // ), // ), // ], // ), // ), // ); // } else { // if (activePropertyModal != null) { // return SizedBox( // width: MediaQuery.of(context).size.width, // child: Padding( // padding: const EdgeInsets.all(20), // child: GestureDetector( // onTap: () { // Navigator.pushNamed( // context, Routes.propertyDetails, // arguments: { // 'propertyData': activePropertyModal, // 'fromMyProperty': true, // }); // }, // child: PropertyHorizontalCard( // showLikeButton: false, // property: activePropertyModal!), // ), // ), // ); // } else { // return Container(); // } // } // })) ], ), ), ), ); } Padding sellRentLable(BuildContext context) { return Padding( padding: const EdgeInsets.all(8.0), child: Row( children: [ Container( width: 20, height: 20, color:, ), const SizedBox( width: 3, ), const Text("Sell").color(context.color.buttonColor), const SizedBox( width: 10, ), Container( width: 20, height: 20, color:, ), const SizedBox( width: 3, ), const Text("Rent").color(context.color.buttonColor), ], ), ); } }