
82 lines
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2024-09-07 00:58:50 +00:00
import 'dart:developer';
import 'package:flutter/foundation.dart';
/// For development only
/// visibleForTesting
class Logger {
// static log(dynamic error, {String? name = "LOG"}) {
// if (kDebugMode) {
// print("\u001b[31m $error" " :$name:");
// }
// }
static error(dynamic error, {String? name = "LOG"}) {
if (kDebugMode) {
log("\u001b[46m\x1B[30m $error \x1B[0m\u001b[41m",
name: name ?? "Importants");
// print("\u001b[31m $error" " :$name:");
static impornant(dynamic value, {String? name}) {
log("\u001b[46m\x1B[30m $value \x1B[0m\u001b[41m",
name: name ?? "Importants");
static throwTestError() {
throw "Test Exeption";
Black: \u001b[30m
Red: \u001b[31m
Green: \u001b[32m
Yellow: \u001b[33m
Blue: \u001b[34m
Magenta: \u001b[35m
Cyan: \u001b[36m
White: \u001b[37m
Reset: \u001b[0m
Bright Black: \u001b[30;1m
Bright Red: \u001b[31;1m
Bright Green: \u001b[32;1m
Bright Yellow: \u001b[33;1m
Bright Blue: \u001b[34;1m
Bright Magenta: \u001b[35;1m
Bright Cyan: \u001b[36;1m
Bright White: \u001b[37;1m
Reset: \u001b[0m
// enum Logger {
// Black("30"),
// Red("31"),
// Green("32"),
// Yellow("33"),
// Blue("34"),
// Magenta("35"),
// Cyan("36"),
// White("37");
// final String code;
// const Logger(this.code);
// void log(dynamic text) {
// if (kDebugMode) {
// print('\x1B[${code}m$text\x1B[0m');
// }
// }
// }
class Log {
void printLongString(String text) {
final RegExp pattern = RegExp('.{1,800}'); // 800 is the size of each chunk
.forEach((RegExpMatch match) => print(;