1982 lines
101 KiB
1982 lines
101 KiB
import {db, text2Binary, binary2text} from './db.js?v=1033';
import {tanggal} from './file.js?v=555';
import {char, timestamp, timeupdate} from './tableCreate.js?v=555';
String.prototype.replaceAll = function(search, replacement) {
var target = this;
return target.replace(new RegExp(search, 'g'), replacement);
globalThis.formatRupiah = function(angka, prefix){
var negative = '';
if (angka[0] == '-') {
negative = '-';
angka = angka.replace(/\./g, ',')
var number_string = angka.replace(/[^,\d]/g, '').toString(),
split = number_string.split(','),
sisa = split[0].length % 3,
rupiah = split[0].substr(0, sisa),
ribuan = split[0].substr(sisa).match(/\d{3}/gi);
// tambahkan titik jika yang di input sudah menjadi angka ribuan
var separator = sisa ? '.' : '';
rupiah += separator + ribuan.join('.');
rupiah = split[1] != undefined ? rupiah + ',' + split[1] : rupiah;
return prefix == undefined ? negative+rupiah : (rupiah ? '' + negative+rupiah : '');
export const table = function(tableName){
return {
data: {
id: 'id'+Date.now(),
table: tableName,
formId: 'form-get-app',
objform: null,
idUpdate: 0,
key: "id",
formatId: function(format, x){
var str = "" + x
var pad = format;
var ans = pad.substring(0, pad.length - str.length) + str
return ans;
title: null,
disableCreateR: false,
delay: function(callback, ms) {
var timer = 0;
return function() {
var context = this, args = arguments;
timer = setTimeout(function () {
callback.apply(context, args);
}, ms || 0);
key: function(a){
this.data.key = a;
return this;
validate: function(a){
this.data.validate = a;
return this;
back: function(a){
this.data.back = a;
return this;
select: function(a){
this.data.select = a;
return this;
wrap: function(a){
this.data.wrap = a;
return this;
order: function(a, b){
this.data.order = {
start: a,
end: b
return this;
displayNone: function(a){
this.data.none = a;
return this;
selectAction: function(a){
this.data.selectAction = a;
return this;
,filter : function(a){
this.data.filter = a;
return this;
afterload: function(func){
this.data.afterload = func;
return this;
onupdate: function(a){
this.data.onupdate = a;
return this;
onsave: function(a){
this.data.onsave = a;
return this;
oncreate: function(a){
this.data.oncreate = a;
return this;
grouping: function(a = {}){
this.data.group = a;
return this;
onback: function(a){
this.data.backFunc = a;
return this;
modal: function(e = ""){
if (e != "") {
e = "modal-"+e;
this.data.modal = e;
return this;
title: function(a){
this.data.title = a;
return this;
typeTable: function(a = 'master'){
this.data.typeTable = a;
return this;
row: function(dat){
this.data.row = dat;
return this;
addRow: function(a){
this.data.addRow = a;
return this;
equals: function(obj){
this.data.equals = obj;
return this;
,disCreate : function(){
this.data.disableCreateR = true;
return this;
},createForm: function(obj){
var group = null;
if (this.data.group != undefined) {
group = this.data.group;
this.data.objform = obj;
var keys = Object.keys(obj);
this.data.idData = keys;
var newForm = '';
var eform = this.data.objform;
var formP = keys.map(function(elps){
var groupStart = "";
var groupEnd = "";
if (group != null) {
var gK = Object.keys(group);
for(const gk of gK){
for(const gmap of group[gk]){
if (gmap.start == elps) {
groupStart = `
<div class="${gk}">
<div class="row">
if (gmap.end == elps) {
groupEnd = `
var getObj = obj[elps];
// cek colom
if (getObj.typeColumns == undefined) {
getObj.typeColumns = "";
getObj.typeColumns = "-"+getObj.typeColumns;
if(getObj.columns == undefined){
getObj.columns = "-12";
getObj.columns = "-"+getObj.columns;
// if input method;
var label = '<label></label>';
if (getObj.title != undefined) {
label = `
<label for="${elps}">${getObj.title}</label>
var vDefault = '';
if(getObj.default != undefined){
vDefault = ` value="${getObj.default}" `;
var head = '';
if (getObj.head != undefined) {
head = `
<div class="col-12 mt-3">
<h5 style="font-weight: bold;">${getObj.head}</h5>
if (getObj.form == 'input') {
if (getObj.type == 'date') {
return `
<div class="col${getObj.typeColumns}${getObj.columns}">
<div class="form-group-2">
<input type="${getObj.type}" id="${elps}" class="form-control-2" placeholder="${getObj.placeholder}" value="${tanggal().normal}" >
}else if(getObj.type == 'slug'){
return `
<div class="col${getObj.typeColumns}${getObj.columns}">
<div class="form-group-2">
<input ${vDefault} type="text" readonly="true" style="background: #ddd;" id="${elps}" class="form-control-2" placeholder="${getObj.placeholder}" >
}else if(getObj.type == 'number'){
return `
<div class="col${getObj.typeColumns}${getObj.columns}">
<div class="form-group-2">
<input ${vDefault} type="text" id="${elps}" class="form-control-2" placeholder="${getObj.placeholder}" >
}else if(getObj.type == 'hidden'){
return `
<div class="col${getObj.typeColumns}${getObj.columns}">
<div class="form-group-2" style="display:none;">
<input ${vDefault} type="hidden" id="${elps}" class="form-control-2" placeholder="${getObj.placeholder}" >
}else if(getObj.type == 'readonly'){
return `
<div class="col${getObj.typeColumns}${getObj.columns}">
<div class="form-group-2">
<input ${vDefault} type="text" style="background: #ddd;" readonly="true" id="${elps}" class="form-control-2" placeholder="${getObj.placeholder}" >
}else if(getObj.type == 'note'){
return `
<div class="col${getObj.typeColumns}${getObj.columns}">
<div class="form-group-2">
<textarea id="${elps}" class="form-control-2" placeholder="${getObj.placeholder}" value="${tanggal().normal}" ></textarea>
}else if(getObj.type == 'textarea'){
return `
<div class="col${getObj.typeColumns}${getObj.columns}">
<div class="form-group-2">
<textarea id="${elps}" class="form-control-2" placeholder="${getObj.placeholder}" value="${tanggal().normal}" ></textarea>
}else if(getObj.type == 'disable'){
return `
<div class="col${getObj.typeColumns}${getObj.columns}">
<div class="form-group-2">
<input ${vDefault} type="text" id="${elps}" disabled class="form-control-2" placeholder="${getObj.placeholder}" >
}else if(getObj.type == 'select'){
if (getObj.title != undefined) {
label = `
<label class="label-select" for="${elps}">${getObj.title}</label>
var grid = '';
for(const inserView of getObj.view){
grid += ' auto ';
if (globalThis.listdata == undefined) {
globalThis.listdata = {}
globalThis.listdata[elps] = function(fill = null, relation = null){
var dataSelect = dataMaster[getObj.table];
var relationTable = null;
var relationValue = null;
if(relation != null){
var relationTable = eform[relation].table;
var relationValue = eform[relation].value;
if (document.getElementById(relation) != null) {
var relatVal = document.getElementById(relation).value;
var datasel = dataMaster[relationTable].filter(function(et){
if(et[relationValue] == relatVal){
return et;
if(datasel.length > 0){
if(getObj.relationSet != undefined){
relatVal = datasel[0][getObj.relationSet];
var par = eform[relation];
dataSelect = dataSelect.filter(function(es){
if (es[getObj.relationId] == relatVal) {
return es;
dataSelect = dataSelect.map(function(rData, v){
var valh = rData[getObj.value];
var x = 0;
var contenthtml = '';
var content = {}
for(const inserView of getObj.view){
if (fill == null) {
if(x == 0){
var view = '';
content.key = valh;
content.data = rData;
content.title = rData[inserView];
view += rData[inserView];
contenthtml += `<div style="padding: 3px 5px;cursor: pointer;" data-select-v${elps}="${text2Binary(content)}">${view}</div>`;
var view = '';
view += ' '+rData[inserView];
contenthtml += `<div style="padding: 3px 5px;cursor: pointer;" data-select-v${elps}="${text2Binary(content)}">${view}</div>`;
var cek = 0;
var arrc = Object.keys(rData);
for(const cekl of arrc){
if (rData[cekl] != null) {
if (rData[cekl].toLowerCase().indexOf(fill.toLowerCase()) != -1) {
cek = 1;
if (cek == 1) {
if(x == 0){
var view = '';
content.key = valh;
content.data = rData;
content.title = rData[inserView];
view += rData[inserView];
contenthtml += `<div style="padding: 3px 5px;cursor: pointer;" data-select-v${elps}="${text2Binary(content)}">${view}</div>`;
var view = '';
view += ' '+rData[inserView];
contenthtml += `<div style="padding: 3px 5px;cursor: pointer;" data-select-v${elps}="${text2Binary(content)}">${view}</div>`;
return contenthtml;
return dataSelect;
return `
display: grid;
grid-template-columns: ${grid};
<div class="col${getObj.typeColumns}${getObj.columns}">
<div class="form-group-2">
<input type="search" class="select-search" id="search-choice-${elps}">
<div class="select-choice" id="choice-${elps}">
<select id="${elps}" class="form-control-2" >
<option value="">Pilih Data</option>
return `
<div class="col${getObj.typeColumns}${getObj.columns}">
<div class="form-group-2">
<input ${vDefault} type="${getObj.type}" id="${elps}" class="form-control-2" placeholder="${getObj.placeholder}" >
}).join(" ")
this.data.htmlForm = formP;
return this;
},newData: function(){
var t = this.data.id;
var htmlForm = this.data.htmlForm;
var title = this.data.title;
var cari = "cari-"+t;
var idN = "tambah-"+t;
var simpan = "simpan"+t;
var close = "close"+t;
var hapus = "hapus"+t;
var idM = "#modal"+t;
var idm = "m"+t;
var update = "[data-update"+t+"]";
var dataUpdate = "data-update"+t;
var loadForm = this;
var pagination = this.data.pagination;
var tbl = this.data.table;
var startPage = this.data.pagination[this.data.table];
var totPage = this.data.totData[tbl];
var bataspagin = this.data.bataspagin;
if (document.getElementById(cari) != undefined) {
document.getElementById(cari).addEventListener('keypress', function(e){
if (e.key === 'Enter') {
loadForm.data.pagination[loadForm.data.table] = 0;
loadForm.data.search = this.value;
}, false)
document.getElementById(close).addEventListener('click', function(){
if (loadForm.data.backFunc != undefined) {
document.getElementById('load-'+tableName).innerHTML = `
<div class="row">
<div class="col-12 text-center">
<div class="spinner-border" role="status">
<span class="sr-only">Loading...</span>
<p>please wait...</>
document.getElementById("prev-"+t).addEventListener('click', function(){
if ((Number(startPage) - bataspagin) < 0) {
Swal.fire('anda berada di halaman awal', '', 'info')
pagination[loadForm.data.table] = startPage - bataspagin;
document.getElementById("next-"+t).addEventListener('click', function(){
if ((Number(startPage) + bataspagin) >= Number(totPage)) {
Swal.fire('anda berada di halaman akhir', '', 'info')
pagination[loadForm.data.table] = startPage + bataspagin;
Array.from(document.querySelectorAll(update)).forEach(function(elupdate, i){
elupdate.addEventListener('click', function(){
document.getElementById(hapus).style.display = 'inline-block';
var tF = 'form-get-app'+t;
var getData = binary2text(this.getAttribute(dataUpdate));
for(const elpsd of Object.keys(getData)){
if (getData[elpsd] == null) {
delete getData[elpsd];
loadForm.data.loadDataEdit = getData;
loadForm.data.idUpdate = true;
document.getElementById(idm).innerText = 'Ubah '+title;
document.querySelector('.form-e').style.display = 'none';
document.querySelector('.form-d').style.display = 'block';
var htmlForm = loadForm.data.htmlForm
document.getElementById(tF).innerHTML = htmlForm;
if(loadForm.data.objform[e].type == 'number'){
document.getElementById(e).addEventListener('keyup', function(){
var eva = this.value;
eva = eva.replace(/\./g, '');
this.value = formatRupiah(eva);
}, false)
if(loadForm.data.objform[e].change != undefined){
document.getElementById(e).addEventListener('change', loadForm.data.objform[e].change, false);
function decodeHtml(text) {
return text
.replace(/&/g, '&')
.replace(/</g , '<')
.replace(/>/g, '>')
.replace(/"/g, '"')
if (getData[pol] != null) {
if(loadForm.data.objform[pol].type == "number"){
var numx = Number(getData[pol]).toFixed(0).toString();
document.getElementById(pol).value = formatRupiah(numx);
}else if(loadForm.data.objform[pol].type == "select"){
var table = dataMaster[loadForm.data.objform[pol].table];
var val = loadForm.data.objform[pol].value;
var vw = loadForm.data.objform[pol].view;
table = table.filter(function(es){
if (es[val] == getData[pol]) {
return es;
var tab = null;
var ops = "";
var names = " pilih data ";
if (table.length > 0) {
tab = table[0];
ops = tab[val];
names = vw.map(function(elop){
return tab[elop];
}).join(' ');
document.getElementById(pol).innerHTML = `<option selected value="${ops}">${names}</option>`;
}else if(loadForm.data.objform[pol].type == "note"){
var tp = JSON.parse(decodeHtml(getData[pol]));
tp = binary2text(tp.kontent);
document.getElementById(pol).value = tp;
document.getElementById(pol).value = decodeHtml(getData[pol]);
if (loadForm.data.onupdate != undefined) {
loadForm.data.onupdate(loadForm, getData, new db);
if (loadForm.data.equals != undefined) {
for(const eq of loadForm.data.equals){
document.getElementById(eq).addEventListener('keyup', loadForm.data.delay(function(){
var getVals = []
var n = 0;
for(const es of loadForm.data.equals){
var vals = document.getElementById(es).value.replace(/\"/g, "\\\"");
if (n == 0) {
opsi: "", data : [es, '=', `"${vals}"`]
opsi: "AND", data : [es, '=', `"${vals}"`]
.get(function(a, b){
if (Number(b) > 0 ) {
var keysRow = Object.keys(loadForm.data.objform);
var objUpdt = {}
for(const lpp of keysRow){
if (loadForm.data.objform[lpp].type == "select") {
document.getElementById(lpp).value = a[0][lpp];
}else if(loadForm.data.objform[lpp].type == "number"){
document.getElementById(lpp).value = formatRupiah(a[0][lpp]);
document.getElementById(lpp).value = a[0][lpp];
objUpdt[lpp] = a[0][lpp];
if (loadForm.data.onupdate != undefined) {
loadForm.data.onupdate(loadForm, a, new db);
document.getElementById(idm).innerText = 'Ubah '+title;
loadForm.data.loadDataEdit = objUpdt;
loadForm.data.idUpdate = true;
document.getElementById(hapus).style.display = 'inline-block';
document.getElementById(idm).innerText = 'Tambah '+title;
loadForm.data.loadDataEdit = {};
loadForm.data.idUpdate = null;
document.getElementById(hapus).style.display = 'none';
var keysRow = Object.keys(loadForm.data.objform);
for(const lpp of keysRow){
if (loadForm.data.equals.indexOf(lpp) == -1) {
document.getElementById(lpp).value = '';
if (loadForm.data.oncreate != undefined) {
loadForm.data.oncreate(loadForm, new db);
if (loadForm.data.objform[lpp].type == "select") {
},500), false)
for(const dataid of loadForm.data.idData){
if(loadForm.data.objform[dataid].type == 'note' || loadForm.data.objform[dataid].type == 'textarea'){
var s = Array.from(document.querySelectorAll('.note-editable'))
for (const yi of s) {
yi.addEventListener('focus', function(){
Array.from(document.querySelectorAll('.select-choice')).forEach(function(elm, i){
elm.style.display = 'none';
Array.from(document.querySelectorAll('.select-search')).forEach(function(elm, i){
elm.style.display = 'none';
}, false)
if(loadForm.data.objform[dataid].type == 'select'){
document.getElementById(dataid).addEventListener('focus', function(){
if(loadForm.data.objform[dataid].relation != undefined){
document.getElementById('choice-'+dataid).innerHTML = globalThis.listdata[dataid](null, loadForm.data.objform[dataid].relation);
if (loadForm.data.objform[dataid].relationChange == undefined) {
Array.from(document.querySelectorAll('.select-choice')).forEach(function(elm, i){
elm.style.display = 'none';
Array.from(document.querySelectorAll('.select-search')).forEach(function(elm, i){
elm.style.display = 'none';
document.getElementById('choice-'+dataid).style.display = 'grid';
document.getElementById('search-choice-'+dataid).style.display = 'block';
document.getElementById('search-choice-'+dataid).style.width = document.getElementById('choice-'+dataid).offsetWidth+'px';
document.getElementById('search-choice-'+dataid).addEventListener('blur', function(){
document.querySelector('#choice-'+dataid).style.display = 'none';
document.querySelector('#search-choice-'+dataid).style.display = 'none';
}, false)
function posx(){
var clientX = document.getElementById(dataid);
clientX = Array.from(clientX.getClientRects())[0].x / window.innerWidth * 100;
var positionProsent = Math.round(clientX);
if(positionProsent >= 50){
document.getElementById('search-choice-'+dataid).style.right = '10px';
document.getElementById('search-choice-'+dataid).style.left = 'auto';
document.getElementById('choice-'+dataid).style.right = '10px';
document.getElementById('choice-'+dataid).style.left = 'auto';
document.getElementById('search-choice-'+dataid).addEventListener('blur', function(){
document.querySelector('#choice-'+dataid).style.display = 'none';
document.querySelector('#search-choice-'+dataid).style.display = 'none';
}, false)
window.onresize = function(){
var idRelation = loadForm.data.objform[dataid].relationChange;
var dataParent = dataMaster[dataid];
var parenCode = loadForm.data.objform[dataid].value;
var parenView = loadForm.data.objform[dataid].view;
var mainid = loadForm.data.objform[dataid].relationId;
var kodemain = loadForm.data.objform[dataid].value;
var main = loadForm.data.objform[idRelation].table;
var kode = loadForm.data.objform[idRelation].value;
var getVal = document.getElementById(idRelation).value;
var dataMain = dataMaster[main].filter(function(lop){
if (lop[kode] == getVal) {
return lop
if (dataMain.length > 0) {
var mdata = dataMain[0];
var pId = mdata[mainid];
var getPdata = dataParent.filter(function(e){
if (e[parenCode] == pId) {
return e
var vW = parenView.map(function(sa){
return getPdata[sa];
}).join(' ')
document.getElementById(dataid).innerHTML = `<option selected value="${pId}">${vW}</option>`
if (loadForm.data.idData.indexOf(document.getElementById(dataid).id) != (loadForm.data.idData.length - 1)) {
var mop = loadForm.data.idData.indexOf(document.getElementById(dataid).id) + 1;
document.getElementById(simpan).addEventListener('focus', function(){
Array.from(document.querySelectorAll('.select-choice')).forEach(function(elm, i){
elm.style.display = 'none';
Array.from(document.querySelectorAll('.select-search')).forEach(function(elm, i){
elm.style.display = 'none';
}, false)
}, false)
document.getElementById(dataid).addEventListener('focus', function(){
Array.from(document.querySelectorAll('.select-choice')).forEach(function(elm, i){
elm.style.display = 'none';
Array.from(document.querySelectorAll('.select-search')).forEach(function(elm, i){
elm.style.display = 'none';
}, false)
if (globalThis.actionListUpdate == undefined) {
globalThis.actionListUpdate = {}
globalThis.actionListUpdate[dataid] = function(){
elm.addEventListener('click', function(){
var sp = binary2text(this.dataset['selectV'+dataid])
var obj = loadForm.data.objform[dataid];
var name = obj.view.map(function(sl){
return sp['data'][sl];
}).join(' ')
var op = "<option selected value=\""+sp.key+"\">"+name+"</option>";
if(loadForm.data.selectAction != undefined){
loadForm.data.selectAction(sp, dataid, obj);
document.getElementById(dataid).innerHTML = op;
if (loadForm.data.idData.indexOf(document.getElementById(dataid).id) != (loadForm.data.idData.length - 1)) {
var mop = loadForm.data.idData.indexOf(document.getElementById(dataid).id) + 1;
var nextr = loadForm.data.idData[mop];
if(loadForm.data.objform[nextr].type == 'note'){
Array.from(document.querySelectorAll('.select-choice')).forEach(function(elm, i){
elm.style.display = 'none';
Array.from(document.querySelectorAll('.select-search')).forEach(function(elm, i){
elm.style.display = 'none';
document.getElementById(simpan).addEventListener('focus', function(){
Array.from(document.querySelectorAll('.select-choice')).forEach(function(elm, i){
elm.style.display = 'none';
Array.from(document.querySelectorAll('.select-search')).forEach(function(elm, i){
elm.style.display = 'none';
}, false)
// action form
var getredirect = dataid;
if (loadForm.data.objform[dataid].type == 'slug') {
document.getElementById(dataid).addEventListener('focus', function(){
var getValFrom = document.getElementById(loadForm.data.objform[dataid].from).value;
this.value = getValFrom.toLowerCase().replace(/ /g,'-')
}, false)
if (loadForm.data.objform[dataid].type == 'select') {
getredirect = 'search-choice-'+dataid;
document.getElementById('search-choice-'+dataid).addEventListener('keyup', function(){
var relations = null;
if(loadForm.data.objform[dataid].relation != undefined){
relations = loadForm.data.objform[dataid].relation;
document.getElementById('choice-'+dataid).innerHTML = globalThis.listdata[dataid](this.value, relations);
document.getElementById(getredirect).addEventListener('keypress', function(e){
if (e.key === 'Enter') {
if (loadForm.data.idData.indexOf(document.getElementById(dataid).id) != (loadForm.data.idData.length - 1)) {
var mop = loadForm.data.idData.indexOf(document.getElementById(dataid).id) + 1;
var nextr = loadForm.data.idData[mop];
if(loadForm.data.objform[nextr].type == 'note'){
Array.from(document.querySelectorAll('.select-choice')).forEach(function(elm, i){
elm.style.display = 'none';
Array.from(document.querySelectorAll('.select-search')).forEach(function(elm, i){
elm.style.display = 'none';
document.getElementById(simpan).addEventListener('focus', function(){
Array.from(document.querySelectorAll('.select-choice')).forEach(function(elm, i){
elm.style.display = 'none';
Array.from(document.querySelectorAll('.select-search')).forEach(function(elm, i){
elm.style.display = 'none';
}, false)
}, false)
title: 'Apa anda yakin untuk menghapus data ini?',
showDenyButton: true,
showCancelButton: true,
confirmButtonText: `hapus`,
denyButtonText: `batalkan`,
}).then((result) => {
/* Read more about isConfirmed, isDenied below */
if (result.isConfirmed) {
var sopd = db().table(loadForm.data.table)
var epso = [];
var edt = loadForm.data.loadDataEdit;
if (loadForm.data.equals != undefined) {
var dataList = {};
dataList[a] = loadForm.data.loadDataEdit[a];
edt = dataList;
Object.keys(edt).forEach(function(elps, i){
var lop = edt[elps];
if (lop == "null") {
lop = null
lop = `"${lop.replace(/\"/g, "\\\"")}"`;
if (lop != null) {
if (i == 0) {
epso.push({opsi:"", data: [elps, '=',`${lop}`]});
epso.push({opsi:"AND", data: [elps, '=',`${lop}`]});
if(loadForm.data.onsave != undefined){
loadForm.data.onsave(loadForm, loadForm.data.loadDataEdit, 1)
if (res == 'disimpan') {
'Data berhasil di hapus!',
} else if (result.isDenied) {
Swal.fire('Perintah dibatalkan', '', 'info')
document.getElementById(simpan).addEventListener('click', function(){
function escapeHtml(text) {
return text
.replace(/&/g, "&")
.replace(/</g, "<")
.replace(/>/g, ">")
.replace(/"/g, """)
.replace(/'/g, "'");
var dataA = {}
if (loadForm.data.objform[pol].type == 'number') {
var num = document.getElementById(pol).value.replace(/\./g, '').replace(/\,/g, '.');
num = Number(num).toFixed(0).toString();
dataA[pol] = num;
}else if(loadForm.data.objform[pol].type == 'date'){
var evf = escapeHtml(document.getElementById(pol).value.replace(/\"/g, '\\\"'));
if (evf == '') {
evf = "null";
dataA[pol] = evf;
}else if(loadForm.data.objform[pol].type == 'note'){
dataA[pol] = escapeHtml(JSON.stringify({
kontent: text2Binary(document.getElementById(pol).value)}
dataA[pol] = escapeHtml(document.getElementById(pol).value.replace(/\"/g, '\\\"'));
var validEr = null;
if(loadForm.data.validate != undefined){
var validate = loadForm.data.validate;
if(dataA[key] == validate[key]){
if(validEr == null){
validEr = key
if(validEr != null){
alert(validEr + 'tidak boleh kosong')
return false;
if(validEr == null){
document.getElementById('load-'+tableName).innerHTML = `
<div class="row">
<div class="col-12 text-center">
<div class="spinner-border" role="status">
<span class="sr-only">Loading...</span>
<p>please wait...</>
var sopd = db().table(loadForm.data.table)
if(loadForm.data.idUpdate != null){
var epso = [];
if (loadForm.data.equals != undefined) {
var dataList = {};
dataList[a] = dataA[a];
loadForm.data.loadDataEdit = dataList;
Object.keys(loadForm.data.loadDataEdit).forEach(function(elps, i){
var lop = loadForm.data.loadDataEdit[elps].toString().replace(/\"/g, '\\\"');
if (lop == "null") {
lop = null
lop = `"${lop}"`;
if (lop != null) {
if (i == 0) {
epso.push({opsi:"", data: [elps, '=',`${lop}`]});
epso.push({opsi:"AND", data: [elps, '=',`${lop}`]});
if (res == 'disimpan') {
if(loadForm.data.idUpdate != null){
'Data berhasil di ubah!',
'Data berhasil di tambahkan!',
// document.querySelector('.form-e').style.display = 'block';
// document.querySelector('.form-d').style.display = 'none';
// setting for custome proses save
if(loadForm.data.onsave != undefined){
loadForm.data.onsave(loadForm, dataA)
var tF = 'form-get-app'+t;
document.querySelector('.form-e').style.display = 'none';
document.querySelector('.form-d').style.display = 'block';
loadForm.data.idUpdate = null;
document.getElementById(hapus).style.display = 'none';
document.getElementById(idm).innerText = 'Tambah '+title;
var htmlForm = loadForm.data.htmlForm
document.getElementById(tF).innerHTML = htmlForm;
if (loadForm.data.oncreate != undefined) {
loadForm.data.oncreate(loadForm, new db);
if(loadForm.data.objform[e].type == 'note'){
var s = Array.from(document.querySelectorAll('.note-editable'))
for (const yi of s) {
yi.addEventListener('focus', function(){
Array.from(document.querySelectorAll('.select-choice')).forEach(function(elm, i){
elm.style.display = 'none';
Array.from(document.querySelectorAll('.select-search')).forEach(function(elm, i){
elm.style.display = 'none';
}, false)
if(loadForm.data.objform[e].type == 'number'){
document.getElementById(e).addEventListener('keyup', function(){
var eva = this.value;
eva = eva.replace(/\./g, '');
this.value = formatRupiah(eva);
}, false)
if(loadForm.data.objform[e].type == 'select'){
document.getElementById(e).addEventListener('focus', function(){
if(loadForm.data.objform[e].relation != undefined){
document.getElementById('choice-'+e).innerHTML = globalThis.listdata[e](null, loadForm.data.objform[e].relation);
if (loadForm.data.objform[e].relationChange == undefined) {
Array.from(document.querySelectorAll('.select-choice')).forEach(function(elm, i){
elm.style.display = 'none';
Array.from(document.querySelectorAll('.select-search')).forEach(function(elm, i){
elm.style.display = 'none';
document.getElementById('choice-'+e).style.display = 'grid';
document.getElementById('search-choice-'+e).style.display = 'block';
document.getElementById('search-choice-'+e).style.width = document.getElementById('choice-'+e).offsetWidth+'px';
document.getElementById('search-choice-'+e).addEventListener('blur', function(){
document.querySelector('#choice-'+e).style.display = 'none';
document.querySelector('#search-choice-'+e).style.display = 'none';
}, false)
function posx(){
var clientX = document.getElementById(e);
clientX = Array.from(clientX.getClientRects())[0].x / window.innerWidth * 100;
var positionProsent = Math.round(clientX);
if(positionProsent >= 50){
document.getElementById('search-choice-'+e).style.right = '10px';
document.getElementById('search-choice-'+e).style.left = 'auto';
document.getElementById('choice-'+e).style.right = '10px';
document.getElementById('choice-'+e).style.left = 'auto';
document.getElementById('search-choice-'+dataid).addEventListener('blur', function(){
document.querySelector('#choice-'+e).style.display = 'none';
document.querySelector('#search-choice-'+e).style.display = 'none';
}, false)
window.onresize = function(){
var idRelation = loadForm.data.objform[e].relationChange;
var dataParent = dataMaster[e];
var parenCode = loadForm.data.objform[e].value;
var parenView = loadForm.data.objform[e].view;
var mainid = loadForm.data.objform[e].relationId;
var kodemain = loadForm.data.objform[e].value;
var main = loadForm.data.objform[idRelation].table;
var kode = loadForm.data.objform[idRelation].value;
var getVal = document.getElementById(idRelation).value;
var dataMain = dataMaster[main].filter(function(lop){
if (lop[kode] == getVal) {
return lop
if (dataMain.length > 0) {
var mdata = dataMain[0];
var pId = mdata[mainid];
var getPdata = dataParent.filter(function(e){
if (e[parenCode] == pId) {
return e
var vW = parenView.map(function(sa){
return getPdata[sa];
}).join(' ')
document.getElementById(e).innerHTML = `<option selected value="${pId}">${vW}</option>`
if (loadForm.data.idData.indexOf(document.getElementById(e).id) != (loadForm.data.idData.length - 1)) {
var mop = loadForm.data.idData.indexOf(document.getElementById(e).id) + 1;
document.getElementById(simpan).addEventListener('focus', function(){
Array.from(document.querySelectorAll('.select-choice')).forEach(function(elm, i){
elm.style.display = 'none';
Array.from(document.querySelectorAll('.select-search')).forEach(function(elm, i){
elm.style.display = 'none';
}, false)
}, false)
document.getElementById(e).addEventListener('focus', function(){
Array.from(document.querySelectorAll('.select-choice')).forEach(function(elm, i){
elm.style.display = 'none';
Array.from(document.querySelectorAll('.select-search')).forEach(function(elm, i){
elm.style.display = 'none';
}, false)
if (globalThis.actionListNew == undefined) {
globalThis.actionListNew = {}
globalThis.actionListNew[e] = function(){
elm.addEventListener('click', function(){
var sp = binary2text(this.dataset['selectV'+e])
var obj = loadForm.data.objform[e];
var name = obj.view.map(function(sl){
return sp['data'][sl];
}).join(' ')
var op = "<option selected value=\""+sp.key+"\">"+name+"</option>";
if(loadForm.data.selectAction != undefined){
loadForm.data.selectAction(sp, e, obj);
document.getElementById(e).innerHTML = op;
var dataid = e;
if (loadForm.data.idData.indexOf(document.getElementById(dataid).id) != (loadForm.data.idData.length - 1)) {
var mop = loadForm.data.idData.indexOf(document.getElementById(dataid).id) + 1;
var nextr = loadForm.data.idData[mop];
if(loadForm.data.objform[nextr].type == 'note'){
Array.from(document.querySelectorAll('.select-choice')).forEach(function(elm, i){
elm.style.display = 'none';
Array.from(document.querySelectorAll('.select-search')).forEach(function(elm, i){
elm.style.display = 'none';
document.getElementById(simpan).addEventListener('focus', function(){
Array.from(document.querySelectorAll('.select-choice')).forEach(function(elm, i){
elm.style.display = 'none';
Array.from(document.querySelectorAll('.select-search')).forEach(function(elm, i){
elm.style.display = 'none';
}, false)
if (loadForm.data.equals != undefined) {
for(const eq of loadForm.data.equals){
document.getElementById(eq).addEventListener('keyup', loadForm.data.delay(function(){
var getVals = []
var n = 0;
for(const es of loadForm.data.equals){
var vals = document.getElementById(es).value.replace(/\"/g, "\\\"");
if (n == 0) {
opsi: "", data : [es, '=', `"${vals}"`]
opsi: "AND", data : [es, '=', `"${vals}"`]
.get(function(a, b){
if (Number(b) > 0 ) {
var keysRow = Object.keys(loadForm.data.objform);
var objUpdt = {}
for(const lpp of keysRow){
if (loadForm.data.objform[lpp].type == "select") {
document.getElementById(lpp).value = a[0][lpp];
}else if(loadForm.data.objform[lpp].type == "number"){
document.getElementById(lpp).value = formatRupiah(a[0][lpp]);
document.getElementById(lpp).value = a[0][lpp];
objUpdt[lpp] = a[0][lpp];
if (loadForm.data.onupdate != undefined) {
loadForm.data.onupdate(loadForm, a, new db);
document.getElementById(idm).innerText = 'Ubah '+title;
loadForm.data.loadDataEdit = objUpdt;
loadForm.data.idUpdate = true;
document.getElementById(hapus).style.display = 'inline-block';
document.getElementById(idm).innerText = 'Tambah '+title;
loadForm.data.loadDataEdit = {};
loadForm.data.idUpdate = null;
document.getElementById(hapus).style.display = 'none';
var keysRow = Object.keys(loadForm.data.objform);
for(const lpp of keysRow){
if (loadForm.data.equals.indexOf(lpp) == -1) {
document.getElementById(lpp).value = '';
if (loadForm.data.oncreate != undefined) {
loadForm.data.oncreate(loadForm, new db);
if (loadForm.data.objform[lpp].type == "select") {
},500), false)
for(const dataid of loadForm.data.idData){
// if define equals cek data
// action form
var getredirect = dataid;
if (loadForm.data.objform[dataid].type == 'select') {
getredirect = 'search-choice-'+dataid;
document.getElementById('search-choice-'+dataid).addEventListener('keyup', function(){
var relations = null;
if(loadForm.data.objform[dataid].relation != undefined){
relations = loadForm.data.objform[dataid].relation;
document.getElementById('choice-'+dataid).innerHTML = globalThis.listdata[dataid](this.value, relations);
if (loadForm.data.objform[dataid].type == 'slug') {
document.getElementById(dataid).addEventListener('focus', function(){
var getValFrom = document.getElementById(loadForm.data.objform[dataid].from).value;
this.value = getValFrom.replace(/ /g,'-')
}, false)
// --------- //
document.getElementById(getredirect).addEventListener('keypress', function(e){
if (e.key === 'Enter') {
if (loadForm.data.idData.indexOf(document.getElementById(dataid).id) != (loadForm.data.idData.length - 1)) {
var mop = loadForm.data.idData.indexOf(document.getElementById(dataid).id) + 1;
var nextr = loadForm.data.idData[mop];
if(loadForm.data.objform[nextr].type == 'note'){
Array.from(document.querySelectorAll('.select-choice')).forEach(function(elm, i){
elm.style.display = 'none';
Array.from(document.querySelectorAll('.select-search')).forEach(function(elm, i){
elm.style.display = 'none';
document.getElementById(simpan).addEventListener('focus', function(){
Array.from(document.querySelectorAll('.select-choice')).forEach(function(elm, i){
elm.style.display = 'none';
Array.from(document.querySelectorAll('.select-search')).forEach(function(elm, i){
elm.style.display = 'none';
}, false)
}, false)
}, false);
return this;
loadData: function(dat){
var disableNew = false;
if(this.data.disableCreateR == true){
disableNew = true;
var pagination = this.data.pagination;
var bataspagin = this.data.bataspagin;
var totData = this.data.totData;
var objform = this.data.objform;
var t = this.data.id;
var m = this.data.row;
var k = Object.keys(this.data.row);
globalThis.act = this;
if(act.data.addRow != undefined) {
globalThis.actAddRow = function(){
var dataLoad = dat.map(function(resData){
for (let l = 0; l < k.length; l++) {
if (l == (k.length - 1)) {
if (act.data.addRow != undefined) {
var objAddRow = Object.keys(act.data.addRow);
var id = act.data.addRow[er].id;
var key = act.data.addRow[er].key;
for(const placeEf of key){
var ty = '{{'+placeEf+'}}';
id = id.replaceAll(ty, resData[placeEf]);
if (act.data.addRow[er].click != undefined) {
document.getElementById(id).addEventListener('click', act.data.addRow[er].click, false)
if (act.data.addRow[er].load != undefined) {
act.data.addRow[er].load(resData, act, text2Binary(resData));
var dataLoad = dat.map(function(resData, r){
var lop = '';
for (let l = 0; l < k.length; l++) {
var lopin = resData[k[l]];
var align = "left";
if (objform[k[l]] != undefined) {
if (objform[k[l]].type != undefined) {
if (objform[k[l]].type == 'date') {
lopin = tanggal(resData[k[l]]).sekarang;
align = "center";
}else if(objform[k[l]].type == 'number'){
lopin = formatRupiah(resData[k[l]]);
align = "right";
lopin = resData[k[l]];
lopin = resData[k[l]];
lopin = resData[k[l]];
if (act.data.none != undefined) {
if (act.data.none.indexOf(l) != -1) {
lop += `
<div data-row-${l} style="cursor: pointer;text-align: ${align}; display: none;" data-update${t}="${text2Binary(resData)}">${lopin}</div>
lop += `
<div data-row-${l} style="cursor: pointer;text-align: ${align};" data-update${t}="${text2Binary(resData)}">${lopin}</div>
lop += `
<div data-row-${l} style="cursor: pointer;text-align: ${align};" data-update${t}="${text2Binary(resData)}">${lopin}</div>
if (l == (k.length - 1)) {
if (act.data.addRow != undefined) {
var objAddRow = Object.keys(act.data.addRow);
lop += objAddRow.map(function(er){
var key = act.data.addRow[er].key;
var ef = act.data.addRow[er].template;
for(const placeEf of key){
var ty = '{{'+placeEf+'}}';
ef = ef.replaceAll(ty, resData[placeEf]);
var uptd = "{{updateid}}";
ef = ef.replaceAll(uptd, `data-update${t}="${text2Binary(resData)}"`);
ef = ef.replaceAll("{{times}}", Date.now());
var style = '';
if (act.data.addRow[er].position != undefined) {
style += 'text-align: '+act.data.addRow[er].position+';';
return ` <div style="${style}" id="head-'${t}'">${ef}</div> `;
return lop;
var setGrid = k.map(function(lp, r){
if (act.data.none != undefined) {
if (act.data.none.indexOf(r) != -1) {
return "auto";
return "auto";
}).join(" ")
var setGridName = k.map(function(lp, r){
var lopin = m[lp];
if (act.data.none != undefined) {
if (act.data.none.indexOf(r) != -1) {
return '<div id="head-'+t+'" data-head-'+r+' class="head" style="display: none;">'+lopin+'</div>';
return '<div id="head-'+t+'" data-head-'+r+' class="head">'+lopin+'</div>';
return '<div id="head-'+t+'" data-head-'+r+' class="head">'+lopin+'</div>';
}).join(" ")
if (act.data.addRow != undefined) {
var objAddRow = Object.keys(act.data.addRow);
setGrid += ' '+objAddRow.map(function(er){
return 'auto';
}).join(" ")
setGridName += objAddRow.map(function(er){
var ef = act.data.addRow[er].title;
return ` <div id="head-'${t}'" class="head">${ef}</div> `;
var wrap = 'white-space: nowrap;';
if (act.data.wrap != undefined) {
wrap = act.data.wrap;
var loadTable = `
<div class="form-e">
display: grid;
grid-template-columns: ${setGrid};
overflow-y: auto;
#${t} > div{
font-size: 8pt;
padding: 5px 8px;
border: 1px solid #ddd;
color: #333;
#${t} .head{
background: #77f;
color: white;
text-align: center;
margin: 0;
margin-bottom: -30px;
float: right;
padding: 4px 8px;
border: 1px solid #aae;
border-radius: 4px;
cursor: pointer;
font-size: 11pt !important;
font-weight: bold;
.page-item .page-link:nth-child(1){
margin-right: 8px;
.page-item .page-link{
padding: 8px 15px;
display: block;
display: none;
width: 100%;
margin-bottom: 8px;
content: "";
display: block;
clear: both;
.form-group-2 label{
float: left;
width: 100px;
font-size: 9pt;
.form-group-2 .form-control-2{
width: calc(100% - 100px);
font-size: 9pt;
select.form-control-2 {
height: 25px;
display: relative;
.form-group-2 .select-choice div{
white-space: nowrap;
border-bottom: 1px solid #ddd;
.form-group-2 .select-choice{
position: absolute;
top: calc(100% + 20px);
left: 110px;
display: none;
max-height: 250px;
width: wrap-content;
min-width: calc(100% - 100px);
background: white;
border-radius: 4px;
z-index: 99;
box-shadow: 0 0 10px rgba(1235,125,125,0.5);
overflow-y: auto;
padding: 10px 28px;
content: "";
position: absolute;
width: calc(100% - 100px);
background: transparent;
display: block;
height: 100%;
right: 0;
width: calc(100% - 100px);
display: none;
position: absolute;
top: calc(100% - 10px);
z-index: 999;
padding: 3px 10px;
margin: 0;
height: 30px;
left: 110px;
border: 1px solid #ddd;
min-width: calc(100% - 40px);
.modal-xl .modal-body{
max-height: calc(100vh - 200px);
overflow: auto;
display: none;
var newCreateBtn = '';
if (disableNew == false) {
newCreateBtn = `
<button class="btn btn-sm btn-primary mb-3" id="tambah-${t}">Tambah</button>
if (act.data.search != undefined) {
newCreateBtn += `
<input id="cari-${t}" class="search-table" value="${act.data.search}" placeholder="enter for search">
newCreateBtn += `
<input id="cari-${t}" class="search-table" placeholder="enter for search">
var back = '';
if (act.data.back != undefined) {
back = `
<button class="btn btn-light mt-3" onclick="location.href='#/${act.data.back}'">kembali</button>
loadTable += `
<div id="${t}">
<div class="float-right bottom-nav">
<ul class="pagination mt-3">
<li><span style="display: inline-block;padding: 8px 10px;">halaman ${(Number(pagination[act.data.table]) + bataspagin) / bataspagin } dari ${Math.ceil(totData[act.data.table] / bataspagin)} </span></li>
<li class="page-item"><a id="prev-${t}" style="cursor: pointer;" class="page-link"><</a></li>
<li class="page-item"><a id="next-${t}" style="cursor: pointer;" class="page-link">></a></li>
// make modal
loadTable += `
<div class="form-d">
<h5 class="modal-title" id="m${t}"></h5>
<div class="row" id="form-get-app${t}"></div>
<div class="text-right">
<button id="close${t}" type="button" class="btn btn-secondary" data-dismiss="modal">Tutup</button>
<button id="hapus${t}" type="button" class="btn btn-danger">Hapus</button>
<button id="simpan${t}" type="button" class="btn btn-primary">Simpan</button>
if (dat.length == 0) {
loadTable += `
<div class="text-center pd-5 pt-3">
Belum ada data inputan
if (this.data.afterload != undefined) {
function loadSfIle(){
document.getElementById('load-'+tableName).innerHTML = loadTable;
if(act.data.addRow != undefined) {
this.data.afterload(act, new db, loadSfIle);
document.getElementById('load-'+tableName).innerHTML = loadTable;
if(act.data.addRow != undefined) {
,load: function(){
var t = this.data.id;
var m = this.data.row;
var k = Object.keys(this.data.row);
globalThis.act = this;
document.getElementById('load-'+tableName).style.minHeight = '50vh';
document.getElementById('load-'+tableName).innerHTML = `
<div class="row">
<div class="col-12 text-center">
<div class="spinner-border" role="status">
<span class="sr-only">Loading...</span>
<p>please wait...</>
if(act.data.pagination == undefined){
act.data.pagination = {};
if(act.data.pagination[this.data.table] == undefined){
act.data.pagination[this.data.table] = 0;
if (act.data.totData == undefined) {
act.data.totData = {}
var tbl = this.data.table;
if (act.data.bataspagin == undefined) {
act.data.bataspagin = 10;
act.data.bataspagin = Math.floor(globalThis.bataspagin);
var objLike = [];
var si = 0;
if (this.data.search != undefined) {
for(const mLIke of Object.keys(this.data.row)){
if (si == 0) {
opsi: "", data: [mLIke, 'LIKE', `"%${this.data.search}%"`]
opsi: "OR", data: [mLIke, 'LIKE', `"%${this.data.search}%"`]
var lpsTable = db()
if(act.data.filter != undefined){
var cndObj = Object.keys(act.data.filter);
var condT = [];
var numc = 0;
for(const cndu of cndObj){
if (numc == 0) {
opsi: '', data: [cndu, '=', '"'+act.data.filter[cndu]+'"']
opsi: 'AND', data: [cndu, '=', '"'+act.data.filter[cndu]+'"']
if (objLike.length != 0) {
if (act.data.select != undefined) {
var select = act.data.select.join(",");
if (Number(act.data.bataspagin) < 0) {
act.data.bataspagin = 2;
lpsTable.limit(act.data.pagination[this.data.table], Math.floor(act.data.bataspagin))
if (act.data.order != undefined) {
lpsTable.order(act.data.order.start, act.data.order.end);
lpsTable.get(function(dat, tot){
act.data.totData[tbl] = tot;
globalThis.dataLoadtable = dat;