1382 lines
57 KiB
1382 lines
57 KiB
globalThis.Properti = {
content: `
body { margin: 0; padding: 0; }
#map { position: absolute; top: 0; bottom: 0; width: 100%; }
#info {
display: table;
position: relative;
margin: 0px auto;
word-wrap: anywhere;
white-space: pre-wrap;
padding: 10px;
border: none;
border-radius: 3px;
font-size: 12px;
text-align: center;
color: #222;
background: #fff;
<div class="row">
<!-- Earnings (Monthly) Card Example -->
<div class="col-12 col-12">
<div class="card shadow h-100 py-2">
<div class="card-body" id="load-properti">
action: function(){
// function cek rating
const capitalize = (str, lower = false) =>
(lower ? str.toLowerCase() : str).replace(/(?:^|\s|["'([{])+\S/g, match => match.toUpperCase());
if (dataMaster['provinces'] != undefined && dataMaster['regencies'] != undefined) {
dataMaster['provinces'] = dataMaster['provinces'].map(function(xz, i) {
var x = xz;
x.name = capitalize(xz.name.toLowerCase());
return x;
dataMaster['regencies'] = dataMaster['regencies'].map(function(xz, i) {
var x = xz;
var y = dataMaster['provinces'].filter(function(k,l){
if(x.province_id == k.id){
return k
if (y.length > 0) {
y = y[0].name;
x.province_id = y;
x.name = capitalize(xz.name.toLowerCase());
return x;
return x;
var prov = new db;
dataMaster['provinces'] = pr;
var reg = new db;
dataMaster['regencies'] = re;
dataMaster['provinces'] = dataMaster['provinces'].map(function(xz, i) {
var x = xz;
x.name = capitalize(xz.name.toLowerCase());
return x;
dataMaster['regencies'] = dataMaster['regencies'].map(function(xz, i) {
var x = xz;
var y = dataMaster['provinces'].filter(function(k,l){
if(x.province_id == k.id){
return k
x.province_id = y;
x.name = capitalize(xz.name.toLowerCase());
return x;
globalThis.dataMaster['transaksi'] = [
{kode: 'JUAL', name: 'JUAL'},
{kode: 'SEWA', name: 'SEWA'},
{kode: 'PROYEK BARU', name: 'PROYEK BARU'}
globalThis.dataMaster['laku'] = [
{kode: '0', name: 'Belum Laku'},
{kode: '1', name: 'Laku'}
globalThis.dataMaster['yorn'] = [
{kode: '0', name: 'Tidak'},
{kode: '1', name: 'Ya'}
globalThis.dataMaster['aorn'] = [
{kode: '0', name: 'Tidak Ada'},
{kode: '1', name: 'Ada'}
globalThis.dataMaster['sertifikat'] = [
{kode: 'Tidak Ditampilkan', name: 'Tidak Ditampilkan'},
{kode: 'SHM', name: 'SHM'},
{kode: 'HGB', name: 'HGB'},
{kode: 'SHGB', name: 'SHSRS'},
{kode: 'PPJB', name: 'PPJB'},
{kode: 'PPJB', name: 'Tanah Girik'},
{kode: 'Petok D', name: 'Petok D'},
{kode: 'Petok D', name: 'Hak Pakai '}
globalThis.dataMaster['hadap'] = [
{name: 'Utara'},
{name: 'Selatan'},
{name: 'Barat'},
{name: 'Timur'},
{name: 'Barat Laut'},
{name: 'Timur Laut'},
{name: 'Tenggara'},
{name: 'Barat daya'},
{name: 'Utara & Barat'},
{name: 'Utara & Timur'},
{name: 'Selatan & Barat'},
{name: 'Selatan & Timur'}
globalThis.dataMaster['air'] = [
{name: 'PDAM'},
{name: 'Sumur'},
{name: 'WTP'},
{name: 'Artesis'}
document.getElementById('app-content-title').innerText = "Data Properti";
"col-lg-6": [
start: 'judulproperti',
end: 'ltanah'
start: 'listrik',
end: 'share'
.selectAction(function(s, v, r){
if(v == 'city_name'){
document.getElementById('province').innerHTML = `<option value="${s.data.province_id}">${s.data.province_id}</option>`;
}else if(v == 'kecamatan'){
var name = globalThis.dataMaster['regencies'].filter(function(t){
if(t.id == s.data.regencies){
return t
if(name.length > 0){
name = name[0];
var op = `<option value="${name.name}">${name.name}</option>`;
document.getElementById('city_name').innerHTML = op;
var namep = globalThis.dataMaster['regencies'].filter(function(t){
if(t.name == name.name){
return t
if(namep.length > 0){
namep = namep[0];
var op = `<option value="${namep.province_id}">${namep.province_id}</option>`;
document.getElementById('province').innerHTML = op;
}else if(v == 'subdistrict_name'){
var kec = globalThis.dataMaster['kecamatan'].filter(function(t){
if(t.kode == s.data.kecamatan){
return t
if(kec.length > 0){
kec = kec[0];
var op = `<option value="${kec.name}">${kec.name}</option>`;
document.getElementById('kecamatan').innerHTML = op;
var name = globalThis.dataMaster['regencies'].filter(function(t){
if(t.id == s.data.regencies){
return t
if(name.length > 0){
name = name[0];
var op = `<option value="${name.name}">${name.name}</option>`;
document.getElementById('city_name').innerHTML = op;
var namep = globalThis.dataMaster['regencies'].filter(function(t){
if(t.name == name.name){
return t
if(namep.length > 0){
namep = namep[0];
var op = `<option value="${namep.province_id}">${namep.province_id}</option>`;
document.getElementById('province').innerHTML = op;
idprop : {
form: 'input',
type: 'hidden',
placeholder: 'Inputkan idprop',
title: 'idprop'
judulproperti: {
form: 'input',
type: 'text',
placeholder: 'Inputkan Judul Properti',
title: 'Judul Properti'
kategori: {
form: 'input',
type: 'select',
table: 'kategori_properti',
view: ['kategori_nama'],
value: 'kategori_nama',
placeholder: 'Inputkan keterangan',
title: 'Kategori'
deskripsi: {
form: 'input',
type: 'textarea',
placeholder: 'Inputkan deskripsi',
title: 'Deskripsi'
harga: {
form: 'input',
type: 'number',
placeholder: 'Inputkan harga',
title: 'Harga'
transaksi: {
form: 'input',
type: 'select',
table: 'transaksi',
view: ['name'],
value: 'kode',
placeholder: 'Inputkan transaksi',
title: 'Transaksi'
sertifikat: {
form: 'input',
type: 'select',
table: 'sertifikat',
view: ['name'],
value: 'kode',
placeholder: 'Inputkan sertifikat',
title: 'Sertifikat'
province: {
form: 'input',
type: 'select',
table: 'provinces',
view: ['name'],
value: 'name',
placeholder: 'Inputkan provinsi',
title: 'Provinsi'
city_name: {
form: 'input',
type: 'select',
table: 'regencies',
view: ['name'],
value: 'name',
relation: 'province',
relationId: 'province_id',
placeholder: 'Inputkan kota',
title: 'Kota'
kecamatan: {
form: 'input',
type: 'select',
table: 'kecamatan',
view: ['name'],
value: 'name',
relation: 'city_name',
relationId: 'regencies',
relationSet: 'id',
placeholder: 'Inputkan kecamatan',
title: 'Kecamatan'
subdistrict_name: {
form: 'input',
type: 'select',
table: 'area',
view: ['name'],
value: 'name',
relation: 'kecamatan',
relationId: 'kecamatan',
relationSet: 'kode',
placeholder: 'Inputkan Area',
title: 'Area'
alamat: {
form: 'input',
type: 'text',
placeholder: 'Inputkan alamat (tanpa blok dan nomer properti)',
title: 'Alamat'
norumah: {
form: 'input',
type: 'text',
placeholder: 'Inputkan no rumah',
columns: 12,
typeColumns: 'lg',
title: 'No Rumah'
lat: {
form: 'input',
type: 'text',
placeholder: 'Inputkan latitude ',
title: 'Latitude',
columns: 6,
typeColumns: 'lg',
lng: {
form: 'input',
type: 'text',
placeholder: 'Inputkan longitude ',
title: 'Longitude',
typeColumns: 'lg',
columns: 6
hadap: {
form: 'input',
type: 'select',
view: ['name'],
table: 'hadap',
value: 'name',
placeholder: 'Inputkan orientasi',
title: 'Orientasi'
jum_kt: {
form: 'input',
type: 'text',
placeholder: 'Inputkan Kamar Tidur',
columns: 6,
typeColumns: 'lg',
title: 'KT'
jum_km: {
form: 'input',
type: 'text',
placeholder: 'Inputkan Kamar Mandi',
columns: 6,
typeColumns: 'lg',
title: 'KM'
lt: {
form: 'input',
type: 'text',
placeholder: 'Inputkan Luas Tanah',
columns: 6,
typeColumns: 'lg',
title: 'LT'
lb: {
form: 'input',
type: 'text',
placeholder: 'Inputkan Luas Bangunan',
columns: 6,
typeColumns: 'lg',
title: 'LB'
ltanah: {
form: 'input',
type: 'text',
placeholder: 'Inputkan dimensi tanah',
columns: 12,
typeColumns: 'lg',
title: 'Dimensi Tanah'
listrik: {
form: 'input',
type: 'text',
placeholder: 'Inputkan Listrik',
title: 'Listrik (WATT)'
air: {
form: 'input',
type: 'select',
table: 'air',
view: ['name'],
value: 'name',
placeholder: 'Inputkan count air / PDAM',
title: 'Air'
laku: {
form: 'input',
type: 'select',
table: 'laku',
view: ['name'],
value: 'kode',
placeholder: 'Inputkan',
title: 'Status Properti'
tgllaku: {
form: 'input',
type: 'date',
placeholder: 'Inputkan tanggal laku',
title: 'Tanggal Laku'
bisakpr: {
form: 'input',
type: 'select',
table: 'yorn',
view: ['name'],
value: 'kode',
placeholder: 'Inputkan kpr',
title: 'Bisa KPR'
komisi: {
form: 'input',
type: 'text',
placeholder: 'Inputkan komisi',
title: 'Komisi (%)'
idsales: {
form: 'input',
type: 'select',
table: 'sales',
view: ['nama'],
value: 'id',
placeholder: 'Inputkan sales',
title: 'Sales'
nama_vendor: {
form: 'input',
type: 'text',
placeholder: 'Inputkan vendor',
title: 'Vendor'
kontak_vendor: {
form: 'input',
type: 'text',
placeholder: 'Inputkan Telp. Vendor',
title: 'No. Telp. Vendor'
poin1: {
form: 'input',
type: 'select',
table: 'aorn',
view: ['name'],
value: 'kode',
columns: 6,
typeColumns: 'lg',
placeholder: 'Inputkan foto properti',
title: 'Foto Properti'
poin2: {
form: 'input',
type: 'select',
table: 'aorn',
view: ['name'],
value: 'kode',
columns: 6,
typeColumns: 'lg',
placeholder: 'Inputkan foto properti',
title: 'Data Listing'
poin3: {
form: 'input',
type: 'select',
table: 'aorn',
view: ['name'],
value: 'kode',
columns: 6,
typeColumns: 'lg',
placeholder: 'Inputkan foto properti',
title: 'Nama & kontak vendor'
poin4: {
form: 'input',
type: 'select',
table: 'aorn',
view: ['name'],
value: 'kode',
columns: 6,
typeColumns: 'lg',
placeholder: 'Inputkan foto properti',
title: 'Banner Terpasang'
poin5: {
form: 'input',
type: 'select',
table: 'aorn',
view: ['name'],
value: 'kode',
columns: 6,
typeColumns: 'lg',
placeholder: 'Inputkan foto properti',
title: 'Ada IMB'
poin6: {
form: 'input',
type: 'select',
table: 'aorn',
view: ['name'],
value: 'kode',
columns: 6,
typeColumns: 'lg',
placeholder: 'Inputkan foto properti',
title: 'Ada Blueprint'
poin7: {
form: 'input',
type: 'select',
table: 'aorn',
view: ['name'],
value: 'kode',
columns: 6,
typeColumns: 'lg',
placeholder: 'Inputkan foto properti',
title: 'PBB Terbaru'
poin8: {
form: 'input',
type: 'select',
table: 'aorn',
view: ['name'],
value: 'kode',
columns: 6,
typeColumns: 'lg',
placeholder: 'Inputkan foto properti',
title: 'Cp. Sertifikat'
poin9: {
form: 'input',
type: 'select',
table: 'aorn',
view: ['name'],
value: 'kode',
columns: 6,
typeColumns: 'lg',
placeholder: 'Inputkan foto properti',
title: 'Cp. KTP Pemilik'
poin10: {
form: 'input',
type: 'select',
table: 'aorn',
view: ['name'],
value: 'kode',
columns: 6,
typeColumns: 'lg',
placeholder: 'Inputkan foto properti',
title: 'Koordinat Lokasi'
share: {
form: 'input',
type: 'slug',
from: 'judulproperti',
placeholder: 'Inputkan buat share link',
title: 'Share'
idprop: 'Id Properti',
judulproperti: 'Judul Properti',
kategori: 'Kategori',
transaksi: 'Transaksi',
sertifikat: 'Sertifikat',
if (globalThis.nextIncrement != undefined) {
{opsi: '', data: ['idProp', '=', globalThis.nextIncrement]}
delete globalThis.nextIncrement;
} else {
if(globalThis.sales != undefined){
var datsales = globalThis.sales[0]
document.getElementById('idsales').innerHTML = `<option value="${datsales.id}">${datsales.nama}</option>`;
document.getElementById('judulproperti').addEventListener('keyup', function(){
document.getElementById('share').value = this.value.replace(/ /g, '-').replace(/\?/g, '-').replace(/\//g, '-').replace(/\'/g, '-').replace(/\"/g, '-');
document.getElementById('simpan'+a.data.id).innerText = 'Next';
$('#laku').html(`<option value='0'>Belum Laku</option>`);
var blog = new db;
globalThis.nextIncrement = v[0].increment;
globalThis.uploadImage = v[0].increment;
document.getElementById('idprop').value = v[0].increment;
a.data.idUpdate = true;
a.data.loadDataEdit = {
idProp: v[0].increment
idprop : nextIncrement
document.querySelector('label[for=idprop]').style.display = 'none';
judulproperti: ""
.onupdate(function(a, b){
if(globalThis.sales != undefined){
var datsales = globalThis.sales[0];
if(document.getElementById('idsales').value == ''){
document.getElementById('idsales').innerHTML = `<option value="${datsales.id}">${datsales.nama}</option>`;
document.getElementById('judulproperti').addEventListener('keyup', function(){
document.getElementById('share').value = this.value.replace(/ /g, '-').replace(/\?/g, '-').replace(/\//g, '-').replace(/\'/g, '-').replace(/\"/g, '-');
if (globalThis.nextIncrement != undefined) {
delete globalThis.nextIncrement;
globalThis.uploadImage = b.idprop;
document.querySelector('label[for=idprop]').style.display = 'none';
var cekLaku = document.getElementById('laku').value;
.order('idprop', 'DESC')
var data = globalThis.dataLoadtable;
data = data.map(function(a){
return a.idprop;
.then(response => response.json())
.then(res => {
var input = function(){
return el('input');
var label = function(){
return el('label');
function loadImageUpdateCreate(id){
globalThis.idImagesCover = id;
var dmpi = div()
position: relative;
.tab-upload .tab-menu{
display: inline-block;
position: absolute;
right: 0;
.tab-upload .tab-menu span{
display: inline-block;
padding: 5px 8px;
margin: 0 5px;
background-color: var(--blue);
color: white;
border-radius: 5px;
cursor: pointer;
.tab-upload .single{
display: block;
position: relative;
top: 40px;
margin-bottom: 60px;
.tab-upload .single > div{
display: grid;
grid-gap: 8px;
text-align: center;
grid-template-columns: auto auto auto;
.tab-upload .single > div input{
display: none;
.tab-upload .single > div .foto{
display: block;
width: 100%;
height: 150px;
background: var(--blue);
box-shadow: 0 0 10px rgba(0,0,0,0.2);
background-size: cover;
background-position: center;
.tab-upload .single > div label{
position: absolute;
display: block;
font-size: 30px;
top: calc(50% - 15px);
left: calc(50% - 15px);
text-shadow: 0 0 35px #333;
color: #fff;
.tab-upload .multi{
position: relative;
display: none;
justify-content: center;
align-items: center;
top: 40px;
height: 200px;
margin-bottom: 60px;
.tab-upload .multi input{
display: block;
position: absolute;
width: 100%;
height: 100%;
top: 0;
left: 0;
opacity: 0.0;
.tab-upload .multi label{
z-index: 1;
font-size: 30px;
text-align: center;
.tab-upload .multi label::after{
position: relative;
display: block;
font-size: 14pt !important;
content: "chose file";
font-size: 30px;
.tab-upload .multi label::before{
position: absolute;
content: "";
display: block;
background: #ddd;
height: 100%;
width: 100%;
z-index: -1;
.tab-upload .multi .progress{
position: absolute;
bottom: 0;
width: 100%;
z-index: 1;
display: flex;
margin: 10px;
background: var(--blue);
position: relative;
padding: 10px;
height: 250px;
border: 1px solid #add;
justify-content: center;
align-items: center;
background-size: cover;
background-position: center;
#cover label{
display: inline-block;
font-size: 30px;
text-align: center;
color: white;
text-shadow: 0 0 25px #000;
cursor: pointer;
#cover label::after{
content: "Upload Cover";
display: block;
font-size: 20px;
#cover label input{
cursor: pointer;
position: absolute;
display: block;
width: 100%;
height: 100%;
left: 0;
background: #ddd;
opacity: 0;
position: absolute;
color: white;
font-size: 16pt;
text-shadow: 0 0 5px #000;
top: 10px;
right: 10px;
cursor: pointer;
#cover .progress{
position: absolute;
bottom: 0;
width: 100%;
var dompImage = document.getElementById('load-properti').children[1].children[2];
url: '/admin/api/foto/'+id,
dataTtpe: 'JSON',
success: function(response){
var data = JSON.parse(response);
globalThis.fros = data.data;
var setting = data.set;
var nameTag = set.kategori;
if(nameTag == 'foto'){
nameTag = "Listing";
}else if(nameTag == 'blueprint'){
nameTag = "Blueprint";
}else if(nameTag == 'ktp'){
nameTag = "KTP Pemilik";
nameTag = nameTag.toUpperCase()
el('span').data('id', set.kategori).text('Single Upload').attr('style', 'background-color: var(--blue); color: white').id('btn1'+set.kategori)
var getId = this.getAttribute('data-id');
globalThis['single'+getId].el.css('display', 'block');
globalThis['multi'+getId].el.css('display', 'none');
el('span').data('id', set.kategori).text('Multi Upload').css('background-color', 'white').css('color', '#333').css('border', '1px solid #ddd').id('btn2'+set.kategori)
var getId = this.getAttribute('data-id');
globalThis['single'+getId].el.css('display', 'none');
globalThis['multi'+getId].el.css('display', 'flex');
div().class('title-upload').text('Foto '+nameTag).size('14pt')
div().class('single').id('single'+set.kategori).data('tipe', set.kategori).load(singleUploadFunc)
label().attr('for', set.kategori)
.event('drag dragstart dragend dragover dragenter dragleave drop', function(event){
el('i').class('fas fa-upload')
input().type('file').id(set.kategori).attr('multiple', 'multiple')
var condFile = this.files;
var id = this.id;
var prosent = 0;
var progress = globalThis['progress'+id];
var getId = globalThis.fros.filter(function(er){
if(er.kategori == id){
return er
uploadMulti(getId[0].id, condFile[0], 0, getId, condFile, id);
function uploadMulti(id, file, num, getId, condFile, kat) {
var show = 'https://masuksini.com/sistem-api/androapi/upload/foto/'+id+'.jpg?v='+Date.now();
var pathFile = '../../sistem-api/androapi/upload/foto/'+id+'.jpg';
// var pathFile = '../../sistem-api/androapi/upload/foto/'+a.id+'.jpg';
const reader = new FileReader();
reader.addEventListener("load", function () {
var base64 = reader.result;
var rendr = base64.split("base64,");
rendr = rendr[1];
rendr = rendr.match(/.{1,1200000}/g);
var length = rendr.length;
var start = 0;
function uploadProsses(){
if (start < length) {
var leng = condFile.length;
if(getId.length < condFile.length){
leng = getId.length;
var n = Math.round(((start+1) / length) * 100) / leng;
prosent += Math.round(n);
url: '/admin/upload',
method: 'POST',
dataType: 'text',
data: {
_token: $('meta[name=csrf-token]').attr('content'),
ok: rendr[start],
start: start,
tipe: 'upload'
success: function(e){
start += 1;
url: '/admin/upload',
method: 'POST',
dataType: 'text',
data: {
_token: $('meta[name=csrf-token]').attr('content'),
tipe: pathFile
success: function(e){
console.log((condFile.length - 1));
var leng = condFile.length;
if(getId.length < condFile.length){
leng = getId.length;
if(num == (leng - 1)){
globalThis['foto'+kat+num].el.attr('style', 'background-image: url("'+show+'")')
globalThis['single'+kat].el.css('display', 'block');
globalThis['multi'+kat].el.css('display', 'none');
globalThis['foto'+kat+num].el.attr('style', 'background-image: url("'+show+'")')
uploadMulti(getId[num + 1].id, condFile[num + 1], num + 1, getId, condFile, kat);
// uploadProsses()
}, false);
if (file) {
div().id('progress'+set.kategori).class('progress-bar').attr('role','progressbar').width('10%').aria('valuenow', '25').aria('valuemin', '0').aria('valuemax', '100').text('0%')
function singleUploadFunc(formUpload){
var getForm = formUpload.el.getAttribute('data-tipe');
var parent = formUpload.el;
var dataf = data.data.filter(function(s){
if(s.kategori == getForm){
return s;
var sngl = div();
dataf.forEach(function(singleFile, i){
div().css('position', 'relative')
div().data('foto', '../../sistem-api/androapi/upload/foto/'+singleFile.id+'.jpg').id('foto'+getForm+i).class('foto').attr('style', 'background-image: url("../../sistem-api/androapi/upload/foto/'+singleFile.id+'.jpg?v='+Date.now()+'")').attr('draggable', true).cursor('move')
globalThis.transfer = this.getAttribute('data-foto');
label().attr('for', getForm+i).html('<i class="fas fa-upload"></i>').cursor('pointer')
div().id('progress'+getForm+i).class('progress-bar').attr('role','progressbar').width('0%').aria('valuenow', '25').aria('valuemin', '0').aria('valuemax', '100').text('0%')
input().data('id', singleFile.id).type('file').id(getForm+i).change(function(){
var idfot = globalThis['foto'+this.id];
var progress = globalThis['progress'+this.id];
var file = this.files[0];
var size = file.size / 1000;
var show = 'https://masuksini.com/sistem-api/androapi/upload/foto/'+this.getAttribute('data-id')+'.jpg?v='+Date.now();
var pathFile = '../../sistem-api/androapi/upload/foto/'+this.getAttribute('data-id')+'.jpg';
// var pathFile = '../../sistem-api/androapi/upload/foto/'+a.id+'.jpg';
if(size > 1000){
alert('file tidak boleh lebih dari 1MB');
const reader = new FileReader();
reader.addEventListener("load", function () {
var base64 = reader.result;
var rendr = base64.split("base64,");
rendr = rendr[1];
rendr = rendr.match(/.{1,150000}/g);
var length = rendr.length;
var start = 0;
function uploadProsses(){
if (start < length) {
progress.el.width(Math.round(((start+1) / length) * 100)+'%').text(Math.round(((start+1) / length) * 100)+'%')
// document.getElementById('upload-file-'+a.id).innerText = Math.round(((start+1) / length) * 100)+'%';
url: '/admin/upload',
method: 'POST',
dataType: 'text',
data: {
_token: $('meta[name=csrf-token]').attr('content'),
ok: rendr[start],
start: start,
tipe: 'upload'
success: function(e){
start += 1;
url: '/admin/upload',
method: 'POST',
dataType: 'text',
data: {
_token: $('meta[name=csrf-token]').attr('content'),
tipe: pathFile
success: function(e){
idfot.el.attr('style', 'background-image: url("'+show+'")')
// uploadProsses()
}, false);
if (file) {
el('i').class('fas fa-trash-alt delete-foto').data('s', getForm+i).data('id', singleFile.id).id('delete'+getForm+i).data('foto', '../../sistem-api/androapi/upload/foto/'+singleFile.id+'.jpg').click(function(){
var idfot = globalThis['foto'+this.getAttribute('data-s')];
var getImageurl = this.getAttribute('data-foto');
var show = 'https://masuksini.com/sistem-api/androapi/upload/foto/'+this.getAttribute('data-id')+'.jpg?v='+Date.now();
title: 'Apa anda yakin untuk menghapus data ini?',
showDenyButton: true,
confirmButtonText: `hapus`,
}).then((result) => {
/* Read more about isConfirmed, isDenied below */
if (result.isConfirmed) {
url: 'admin/deleteimage',
method: 'POST',
dataType: 'text',
data: {
_token: $('meta[name=csrf-token]').attr('content'),
image: getImageurl
}, success: function(res){
idfot.el.attr('style', 'background-image: url("'+show+'")')
var containerUp = div()
.class('col-12 text-left mt-5')
.css('grid-template-columns','auto 250px')
div().id('cover').attr('style', 'background-image: url("assets/upload/cover/'+globalThis.idImagesCover+'.jpg")')
.event('dragover', function(ev){
.event('drop', function(ev){
var data = globalThis.transfer;
var blob = null;
var xhr = new XMLHttpRequest();
xhr.open("GET", data);
xhr.responseType = "blob";//force the HTTP response, response-type header to be blob
xhr.onload = function()
blob = xhr.response;//xhr.response is now a blob object
var x = blob.type.split('/')[1];
var file = new File([blob], "image."+x, {type:"image/"+x});
label().html('<i class="fas fa-upload"></i>').child(
input().data('fot', 'assets/upload/cover/'+globalThis.idImagesCover+'.jpg').type('file').change(function(){
var dataimg = 'https://masuksini.com/'+this.getAttribute('data-fot');
var pack = this;
url: dataimg,
error: function()
//file not exists
success: function()
alert('maaf anda tidak dapat menimpa cover, cover hanya dapat di ubah melalui drag foto dari foto listing')
div().id('progress'+globalThis.idImagesCover).class('progress-bar').attr('role','progressbar').width('0%').aria('valuenow', '25').aria('valuemin', '0').aria('valuemax', '100').text('0%')
function uploadCover(file){
var progress = globalThis['progress'+globalThis.idImagesCover];
var size = file.size / 1000;
var show = 'assets/upload/cover/'+globalThis.idImagesCover+'.jpg?v='+Date.now();
var pathFile = 'assets/upload/cover/'+globalThis.idImagesCover+'.jpg';
// var pathFile = '../../sistem-api/androapi/upload/foto/'+a.id+'.jpg';
if(size > 1000){
alert('file tidak boleh lebih dari 1MB');
const reader = new FileReader();
reader.addEventListener("load", function () {
var base64 = reader.result;
var rendr = base64.split("base64,");
rendr = rendr[1];
rendr = rendr.match(/.{1,150000}/g);
var length = rendr.length;
var start = 0;
function uploadProsses(){
if (start < length) {
progress.el.width(Math.round(((start+1) / length) * 100)+'%').text(Math.round(((start+1) / length) * 100)+'%')
// document.getElementById('upload-file-'+a.id).innerText = Math.round(((start+1) / length) * 100)+'%';
url: '/admin/upload',
method: 'POST',
dataType: 'text',
data: {
_token: $('meta[name=csrf-token]').attr('content'),
ok: rendr[start],
start: start,
tipe: 'upload'
success: function(e){
start += 1;
url: '/admin/upload',
method: 'POST',
dataType: 'text',
data: {
_token: $('meta[name=csrf-token]').attr('content'),
tipe: pathFile
success: function(e){
globalThis['cover'].el.attr('style', 'background-image: url("'+show+'")')
// uploadProsses()
}, false);
if (file) {