const assert = require('assert'); import ExcellentExport, { ConvertOptions } from '../src/excellentexport'; describe('Fix data', function() { beforeEach(() => { window.URL.createObjectURL = () => "blob:fake_URL"; document.body.innerHTML = ''; const element = document.createElement("div"); element.innerHTML = 'Link'; document.body.appendChild(element); }); it('should fix values', function() { const options = { anchor: 'anchor', filename: 'data_from_array', format: 'xlsx' } as ConvertOptions; const sheets = [ { name: 'Sheet Name Here 1', from: { array: [ ['hello', 'hello', 'bye'], ] }, fixValue: (value, row, col) => { let v = value.replace(/
/gi, "\n"); let strippedString = v.replace(/(<([^>]+)>)/gi, ""); return strippedString; } } ]; const workbook = ExcellentExport.convert(options, sheets); assert.ok(workbook, 'Result must not be null'); }); it('should process the whole array', function() { const options = { anchor: 'anchor', filename: 'data_from_array', format: 'xlsx' } as ConvertOptions; const sheets = [ { name: 'Sheet Name Here 1', from: { array: [ ['hello', 'hello', 'bye'], ] }, fixData: (array) => { return => { return => { return "fixed-" + v; }) }); } } ]; const workbook = ExcellentExport.convert(options, sheets); assert.ok(workbook, 'Result must not be null'); }); });