267 lines
7.1 KiB
267 lines
7.1 KiB
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# ExcellentExport.js
- [:heart: Sponsor ExcellentExport.js project:heart:](https://github.com/sponsors/jmaister)
- JavaScript export to Excel or CSV.
- A quick JavaScript library to create export to Excel/CSV from HTML tables in the browser. No server required.
- As part of the new version 3.0.0+, there is support for _XLSX_. The drawback is that the library is 600+ KB.
- If you only need _XLS_ or _CSV_, use _2.X.X_ versions.
- Check My Blog Page for Testing :
[JavaScript export to Excel](http://jordiburgos.com/post/2013/javascript-export-to-excel.html)
[ExcellentExport.js update: JavaScript export to Excel and CSV](http://jordiburgos.com/post/2017/excellentexport-javascript-export-to-excel-csv.html)
# Revision history:
### 3.7.0
* Added option `openAsDownload: boolean`. Use this option to download as a file without using an anchor tag. So download can be triggered from a button.
* _Update npm dependencies to fix vulnerabilities_
### 3.6.0
* Added sponsor link to the project [:heart: Sponsor ExcellentExport.js project:heart:](https://github.com/sponsors/jmaister)
* Transform the project from JavaScript to TypeScript
* Configure Jest as test runner
* _Update npm dependencies to fix vulnerabilities_
### 3.5.0
* Add fixValue and fixArray functions to configuration: these configuration functions can be used to manipulate the values of the cells.
* _Update npm dependencies to fix vulnerabilities_
### 3.4.3
* _Update npm dependencies to fix vulnerabilities_
### 3.4.2
* Remove ES6 function syntax to support IE11
* _Update npm dependencies to fix vulnerabilities_
### 3.4.0
* Configure TravisCI on GitHub
* Update npm dependencies to fix vulnerabilities
### 3.3.0
* Remove columns by index
* Filter rows by value
* _Updated build to Webpack 4.x.x_
### 3.2.1
* _Update npm dependencies to fix vulnerabilities_
### 3.2.0
* _Update npm dependencies to fix vulnerabilities_
### 3.1.0
* Fix old API for base64 and escaping problem.
### 3.0.0
* XLSX support. This bumps the build size to 640 KB.
* New API : ExcellentExport.convert(...)
* Autogenerate download filename.
* Data input from arrays or HTML Tables.
* Multiple sheets for XLS or XLSX formats.
### 2.1.0
* Add Webpack build.
* Create UMD JavaScript module. Library can be loaded as a module (import, RequireJS, AMD, etc...) or standalone as window.ExcelentExport.
### 2.0.3
* Fix export as a module.
* Changed minifier to UglifyJS.
### 2.0.2
* Fix CSV Chinese characters and other special characters display error in Windows Excel.
* Fix URL.createObjectURL(...) on Firefox.
### 2.0.0
* Now it can export to big files +2MB.
* Minimum IE 11.
* Links open with URL.createObjectURL(...).
* NPM package available.
* Using Semantic versioning (2.0.0 instead of 2.0).
* Module can be loaded standalone or with RequireJS.
* Change license to MIT.
### 1.5
* Possibility to select a CSV delimiter.
* Bower package available.
* Compose package available.
### 1.4
* _Add LICENSE.txt with GPL v3_
* UTF-8 characters fixed.
### 1.3
* _Added minified version_
### 1.1
* _Added CSV data export_
### 1.0
* _Added Excel data export_
## Compatibility
- Firefox
- Chrome
- Internet Explorer 11+
# Install
## npm
npm install excellentexport --save
## yarn
yarn add excellentexport
## bower
bower install excellentexport
# Load
**Include script in your HTML:**
<script type="text/javascript" src="dist/excellentexport.js"></script>
**Include script in your HTML using CDN:**
<script type="text/javascript" src="https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/npm/excellentexport@3.4.3/dist/excellentexport.min.js"></script>
<script src="http://requirejs.org/docs/release/2.3.6/minified/require.js"></script>
require(['dist/excellentexport'], function(ee) {
window.ExcellentExport = ee;
**ES6 import**
import ExcellentExport from 'excellentexport';
# Usage
<table id="datatable">
<td>100</td> <td>200</td> <td>300</td>
<td>400</td> <td>500</td> <td>600</td>
<a download="somedata.xls" href="#" onclick="return ExcellentExport.excel(this, 'datatable', 'Sheet Name Here');">Export to Excel</a>
<a download="somedata.csv" href="#" onclick="return ExcellentExport.csv(this, 'datatable');">Export to CSV</a>
<!-- new API, xlsx -->
<a download="somedata.xlsx" href="#" onclick="return ExcellentExport.convert({ anchor: this, filename: 'data_123.array', format: 'xlsx'},[{name: 'Sheet Name Here 1', from: {table: 'datatable'}}]);">Export to CSV</a>
ExcellentExport.convert(options, sheets);
anchor: String or HTML Element,
format: 'xlsx' or 'xls' or 'csv',
filename: String
Sheets must be an array of sheet configuration objects. Sheet description:
name: 'Sheet 1', // Sheet name
from: {
table: String/Element, // Table ID or table element
array: [...] // Array with the data. Array where each element is a row. Every row is an array of the cells.
removeColumns: [...], // Array of column indexes (from 0)
filterRowFn: function(row) {return true}, // Function to decide which rows are returned
fixValue: function(value, row, column) {return fixedValue} // Function to fix values, receiving value, row num, column num
fixArray: function(array) {return array} // Function to manipulate the whole data array
}, ...
## fixValue example
This is an example for the _fixValue function_ to handle HTML tags inside a table cell.
It transforms BR to line breaks and then strips all the HTML tags.
fixValue: (value, row, col) => {
let v = value.replace(/<br>/gi, "\n");
let strippedString = v.replace(/(<([^>]+)>)/gi, "");
return strippedString;
# Notes
- IE8 or lower do not support *data:* url schema.
- IE9 does not support *data:* url schema on links.
- IE10 and above and Edge are supported via the Microsoft-specific `msOpenOrSaveBlob` method.
# Test
python 2.x:
python -m SimpleHTTPServer 8000
python 3.x:
python -m http.server 8000
# Build
**Install dependencies:**
npm install
**Build development version dist/excellentexport.js**
npm run build
**Build publish version of dist/excellentexport.js**
npm run prod
npm publish